A Jackson Hole Winter in Black and White

This page contains a collection of images taken in December of 2020.

Sometimes, a black and white image says so much more. They can evoke more emotion than a color image! After being constantly barraged with vivid color, it can be refreshing to take a “new” look at familiar subjects. Black and white images are far from new, but seeing a batch of them can be like taking a deep, long breath during an otherwise hectic time. Think of it like comfort food for the eyes!

The Grand

The Tetons make great backdrops for black and white photos, especially when there are hints of clouds to put against the crisp mountain air.

John Moulton Homestead

Other times, low clouds and fog simplify the background for a feeling of isolation. This scene is almost a black and white even when taken in color. The pink color on the plaster of the old farm house is about the only loss or change.

Low Clouds

Low clouds and hoar frost add to the scene on many cold mornings. The same old homestead can be dwarfed by the nondescript mountains. I like to keep an eye out for alternative vantage points. That old barn has been photographed a “gazillion” times, so the challenge is to find a different way of seeing it.

Passing Bison

Wildlife, like this small herd of bison, can augment a remote rural scene.


Moose begin growing their antlers throughout the summer months. Sometime in December, hormones trigger the bull’s system to drop their beautiful antlers to the sagebrush. A few of the bulls can keep their antlers into January. Especially when coated with a layer of fresh snow, they make a good black and white subject.

Sparring Bulls

Prior to dropping their antlers, bulls often gather in small pods. Harmless sparring matches are fairly common in November and through the middle of December.

Grizzly 399

Most of the bears in Grand Teton National Park are already in their dens by December but Grizzly Sow 399 likes to stay out and feed on carcasses and gut piles left by the elk hunters. I got lucky to see her this year!

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans find open water, such as the Kelly Warm Springs and along Flat Creek. The ghostly steam softens details.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swans often bathe in the morning, then flap their wings to straighten their feathers.


During the summer months, many critters are difficult to see in the sagebrush, tall grasses, and forests, but they are easy to spot against the white snow.

Patient Fox

Simplified backgrounds are a hallmark of winter photography.

Bighorn Ram

Put an animal in his environment. I like to try a few alternative compositions when possible.

Bighorn Ram

Or go the other direction and get close! Black and white photos can reveal a lot of texture and details.

Bighorn Ram

Each snowfall modifies the landscape. During the early part of winter, snow can melt one day and then dump again overnight. I like the variety we get as the dull landscape transforms into a winter wonderland.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorns and mountain goats are in the rut during December. They spend a lot of time feeding, but there is always a chance to witness their rut behavior, like this “lip curl”.

Winter Landscape

My best advice is to learn to modify your “photographic day” by watching for the little jewels Mother Nature reveals. Special light and clouds can be short lived, and are generally unpredictable. Catch them when you can!

White Rainbow

I’ve never seen a full “white rainbow” before, much less photographed one! When Mother Nature offered one up, all I had to do was capture it!

Buck Rail Fences

“Cool stuff” is all around, but it is all too easy to overlook!

Kelly Wagon

Some subjects are “here today and gone tomorrow”. Sometimes the winter snow buries a subject. Other subjects disappear forever, often in the name of progress, to clean up a “mess”.

Frosted Fence

Common manmade objects can be quite interesting with good light and special conditions, like this hoar frost on a fence post on Mormon Row.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Many areas of Grand Teton National Park are closed to vehicular traffic in the winter, but you can still hike, snow shoe, or cross country ski into them. The Chapel of the Transfiguration is such a place, along with the Mormon Row barns and homesteads.

Abstract Weld

Not everyone buys into it, but I love to photograph interesting textures. There is a lot of it in the Jackson Hole Valley. This is an abstract shot is of a weld on the gate at the Taggart Lake Trailhead.

Cowboy Bar

And, not everyone would stop to take a shot of an old neon sign, but there is something that draws me to them!

Night Stars

I don’t see that many night shots processed as a black and white, but I find them interesting.

Snow Mounds

Common subjects, like these snow mounds and cattails can be worthy subjects.

Canada Geese

Most tourists come to Jackson Hole in the summer and fall. Simple winter scenes are often quite compelling.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans winter in Jackson Hole. When conditions are right, they fly through the valley each day to get to their feeding zones. On cold days, they’ll often be sleeping the day away on the ice covered streams.

Clark's Nutcracker

Numerous bird species winter in Jackson Hole, like this Clark’s Nutcracker. Others, like Cedar waxwings and Bohemian waxwings migrate through the valley, but not before they polish off most of the berry bushes. You can usually find Mallard Ducks, Coots, Barrow’s Golden Eyes, and Mergansers along Flat Creek.

Snake River Bend

I included a lot of photos in this post already, but I could have easily posted three times the number! As the moose lose their antlers, I gradually look for other subjects. I never know from year to year what “special” animal will make an appearance. Last year, we had a mountain lion in relative close range for about a week. I’m always game for any kind of owl and porcupines and badgers. All of them would make good black and white subjects. Before the end of winter, I also hope to find a few wolves and get some good days with the bison before they move onto the National Elk Refuge.

Photos on this Page

I believe every photo on this page were taken in December of 2020. Most were taken with a Nikon D6 and a Sigma Sport 60-600mm. The night shot was taken with a Nikon D6 and Sigma 24mm Art Lens. While I own third party Black and White software (filters), all of these images were quickly processed in Lightroom Classic. Some fine edits, including dust spot removal, are done in Photoshop.


The post A Jackson Hole Winter in Black and White first appeared on Best of the Tetons, Area Info & Photography.

December 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH


December 31st, 2020 – Thursday – New Year’s Eve

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It was too cloudy to try again for a setting full moon this morning.

Fireworks Tonight: I believe there will be fireworks at both Snow King Resort and at Teton Village just after dark tonight.

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: I did a quick run to the National Elk Refuge and found a few Bighorns near the road. Rams are still interested in the ewes. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Another portrait of one of the biggest rams. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and her cubs are being reported moving north towards their winter den as 2020 ends!


December 30th, 2020 – Wednesday

Alpenglow with Moon

SRO Alpenglow with Setting Moon:  Up early…14ºF, but worth it! Click this pano image to see it  much larger. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Ram at the Rocks

Bighorn Ram at the Rocks: This nice looking ram was guarding a nearby ewe at the rocks of Miller Butte. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Lil' Head Bashers

Lil’ Head Bashers: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Acrobat

The Acrobat: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 29th, 2020 – Tuesday

Snake River Bend

Snake River Bend: I was out early this morning, thinking there might be some fog along the valley floor. Skies were clear, but for only a few minutes a couple of clouds formed over the Tetons. It was -24°F when it took this photo! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Morning Light Rays

Morning Light Rays: I took this shot along the Snake River at Willow Flats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Bison Pair

Winter Bison Pair: These two were part of a herd of Bison I saw a couple of miles south of Triangle X. I didn’t see any at Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and Quad Cubs

399 and Quad Cubs: The extra large family was heading north today. They crossed the road near Antelope Flats Road and continued on north up the Snake River. She is probably heading for her winter den after feeding on elk carcasses and gut piles in the southern end of the park. All of them look plump and healthy!   Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and Single Cub

399 and Single Cub: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Grizzly 399

Grizzly 399: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Oxbow Bend

Oxbow Bend: I took these three photos earlier this morning, but just got around processing them. There is a lot more snow in the north and along the base of the Tetons than on the sage flats on the east side of the valley. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Willow Flats

Frosted Willow Flats: I liked all of the layers in this shot. The steam from the river helped isolate the pines and spruce trees in the middle section, just as the sun hit them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Willow Flats

Frosted Willow Flats: I seldom find much wildlife when I go north in the winter. It’s possible to see a Fox or maybe some otters, but most of the big game animals have moved south. Occasionally, I hear rumors of Wolves in the area, and I know there are a few Coyotes. When the Oxbow is frozen over, Swans, Geese, and Ducks are absent. The road to the base of the Jackson Lake Dam is snowed in, but it is possible to walk down to the river from the parking area on the south side. Also remember, there are no stores or gas stations open in the winter, other than the ones at Dornan’s near Moose Junction in the southern portion of the park.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 28th, 2020 – Monday


Morning: I took this shot from the Moose-Wilson Road, aiming southeast towards Jackson Peak. When I took the shot, it felt like I was level based on the upright trees. When I got ready to process it, I saw what looked like a horizon line just below the fog bank, so I straightened the photo. That caused all of the trees to lean to the left. Hmmmmm. My original shot was the correct one! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Aspens

Frosted Aspens: Morning light and long shadows caught my eye in this shot. The aspens were frosted from the overnight fog and low clouds in the area. You might not notice it originally, but the tram tower for the JH Mountain Resort can be seen at the top fo the snow covered peak in the upper left. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Newest Feature Post!: A Jackson Hole Winter in Black and White

It’s been a while since I made a feature post. Sorry about that! Click the link or the photo above to see the new page, loaded with black and white photos all taken in December. I posted this photo last night at 10:30 pm. Check it out!


December 27th, 2020 – Sunday

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: This morning, I saw a bull Moose with fairly nice antlers in the open sagebrush near Ditch Creek. He was far enough out, that I couldn’t get a great look at him, but I figured there weren’t a lot of big bulls still carrying their antlers. On the hike out, I snapped the photo of the small bull. After walking several hundred yards, I couldn’t see the big bull anymore. Sure enough, he bedded down at about the time I was ready to head his direction. I snapped the inset photo at a very long distance, just to show his antlers. I post this photo, not because it’s a great photo, but to make a point. Some people suggest that the largest bulls drop their antlers before the youngsters. I just can’t see that pattern holding up! I know I’ve seen quite a few of the smaller bulls with missing antlers, yet Hoback still has his big anther and Bondurant still had his the last time I saw him. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 26th, 2020 – Saturday


Hoback: This bull has had only one full antler for a long time. The other side has only a small stub. Bull Moose season is almost over! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Moose

Young Moose: Light snow and a moose close enough for a shot. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Foggy Swans: Taken at the Kelly Warm Springs. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: I heard quite a few head bashes, but they were higher on the distant rocks. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: It’s hard to pass up an opportunity to get a face shot of the biggest ram when he is near, or on the road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and her cubs were reported around the Gros Ventre this morning. I waited a while, but didn’t want to invest too much of my day on them.


December 25th, 2020 – Christmas Day

Season's Greetings

Best Wishes for a Great and Safe Holiday Season: From the Jackson Family — Mike, Darla, Tyler, Corey, and Macey! I’m sure Shoshone wishes you the same.


December 24th, 2020 – Christmas Eve


Bondurant: It’s almost Christmas…so I wouldn’t expect the big bulls to have antlers much longer! I spent quite a bit of the morning, trying to line this bull up with Mt. Moran and then hoping he’d raise his head and look my direction. Not to be! He was more interested in eating the bitter brush. I got a few profile shots like this one, but not the ones I would have preferred! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: If this photo looks cold to you, well it was cold while Miller Butte was still in the shadows. Normally, the light starts hitting the rocks between 10:00 am and 10:30 am. at this time of the year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: The larger ram was staying between the younger ram and his resting ewe. I believe the rut is just getting into full swing. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

No Place Like the Tetons

I just posted this video on Instagram showing a couple of landscapes and a couple of red Foxes. Click the image to view it on Instagram. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Fox

Red Fox: One of two Red Fox photos included in the Instagram Video. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Seasons Greetings from Best of the Tetons!


December 23rd, 2020 – Wednesday

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: The weather report called for clear skies but clouds covered the top half of the Tetons. I saw more than a dozen Moose, but the only one I saw with antlers was way too far out. I found Swans in the Kelly Warm Springs. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: It was 0°F when I took this shot. Steam has frosted the bushes and grass around the Kelly Warm Springs.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Kelly Wagon

Kelly Wagons: The light was too pretty on the wagons at the entrance to pass up! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 22nd, 2020 – Tuesday

Winter Sunrise Clouds

Winter Sunrise Clouds: The clouds that prevented me from seeing the Christmas Moon last night began to break up some at sunrise this morning. I took this shot from the Gros Ventre Road. Yesterday, it was very warm in the region, melting a lot of the s now on the valley floor.  I would predict the Elk Refuge Sleigh Rides will be on wagons for a few days. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Grand

The Grand and Morning Clouds: Strong winds blew across the Teton Range. I waited for a few seconds of clearing. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Simple Scene

Simple Scene: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Grand and Clouds

The Grand and Clouds: On a morning like this (and with winds), the scene is constantly changing. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Action on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn with Blowing Snow

Bighorn with Blowing Snow: While it might not look like it, the wind was blowing from left to right! Taken at Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ram in Grass

Ram in Grass: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Covered Ewe

Snow Covered Ewe: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: A shot still on the card from yesterday. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 21st, 2020 – Monday – Winter Solstice

Sky Notes

Winter begins today, the shortest day of the year! If the sky is clear enough, here are some subjects to watch:

Bull Moose

Winter Bull Moose: I counted over 20 Moose this morning, but only a few were close enough to the road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 20th, 2020 – Sunday

Bighorn Pair

Bighorn Pair: Love is in the air at the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams:  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: When the rams are not courting the females, they take time to graze on the grasses. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram:Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds, Etc.

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: It seems too quiet when these birds are not around! Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 19th, 2020 – Saturday

Distant Moose

Distant Moose: There were at lease four bulls in this group of Moose. They were WAY too far for any kind of quality shooting, but I wanted to include this photo today to show the valley floor. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Changing Diet

Changing Diet: While the group of ten or eleven Moose were still grazing on bitter brush, many of them seem to be moving to the river bottoms where they are switching back twigs, leaves and small branches. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Moose

Young Moose: There was a brisk, cold south wind this morning. Often, they move off the sage flats to find more favorable conditions among the trees. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Wagon Wheels

Wagon Wheels: Before too long, subjects like this will be buried in snow. I thought the fresh snow made them interesting today. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Digging Lamb

Digging Lamb: I found around 30 Bighorns down today. They are pawing through the snow to get to the grasses below. The wind and blowing snow seemed to put the wildlife into “survival” mode vs participants in the rut. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Spotted Towhee

Spotted Towhee: Finally! This bird came out into the open and on a perch! They are great at staying in the underbrush and out of range for good shots. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

At noon, I looked out back and saw a Clark’s Nutcracker, Hairy Woodpecker, Bluejay, and a Steller’s Jay, all in my yard at the same time.


December 18th, 2020 – Friday

River Otters

River Otters: A group of three River Otters were along Flat Creek this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Fiery Light

Fiery Light: Taken towards the southeast corner of the valley. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otter and Cutthroat Trout: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sunrise Peaks

Sunrise Peaks and Hanging Clouds: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Grand Peaks

Grand Peaks: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Grand Peaks

The Grand: I took this photo from the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Cattails: Also taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Downhill: Freemont (one of the largest bull in the area) lost one of his antlers. He was heading to the river bottoms on the Snake River. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: Seen in the afternoon along Miller Butte. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Captured a few minutes before last sunlight along Flat Creek. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 17th, 2020 – Thursday


Shoshone: He’s a “super star” in GTNP! Everyone is always looking for him and when he is visible, he draws a big crowd. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Fresh snow and Blacktail Butte. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: After feeding and putting on a good show, he bedded down in the fresh December snow. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Antelope Flats Road is now CLOSED!

You can still hike out to Mormon Row.


Bighorns: This youngster got a little too close to the ram and his ewe. The youngster looks a lot like a carousel figure. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: I went back to the location I left Shoshone this morning. He he had been bedded down in the exact same spot for a least four hours.  I waited until he got up for his evening meal and added a few more Shoshone photos to my library. There’s a good chance today will be the last day I see him with antlers this year, so the extra trip seemed worth the gamble and time. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Cowboy Bar

Cowboy Bar: A bit of nostalgic “Americana” in downtown Jackson.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 16th, 2020 – Wednesday

Ridge Line Sentinel

Ridge Line Sentinel: One of the biggest ram showed up again today.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ram Portrait

Ram Portrait: I am pretty sure this is the same old ram we used to call “Old Broken Nose”. He had a swollen muzzle all winter, but it looks like the scab is about the only remnant of the day. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Lambs

Bighorn Lambs: A sweet moment! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram:  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: This ram was looking over me and towards a couple of rams on the butte behind me.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk Refuge Sleigh Rides

Elk Refuge Sleigh Rides: The sleighs take visitors very close to relaxed elk. There are a few bulls in the group. Each week, more and more will gather in the grassy zones visible from the highway. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: I took these photos from the observation platform along Flat Creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Refuge Coyote

Refuge Coyote: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 15th, 2020 – Tuesday

Three Bulls

Three Bulls: I counted over 20 Moose this morning. Eight of them were close enough today! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bulls

Sparring Bulls: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bulls

Sparring Bulls: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Peach House

Frosted Peach House: Even on a very cold day, the sun quickly melts the early morning hoar frost clinging to trees and sage. You have to get the shots quickly! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: Antelope Flats Road is still open, along with part of the Mormon Row Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frost Corner Post

Frosted Corner Post: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Incoming Sleighs

Incoming Sleighs: The Elk Hunt ended on December 13th. The Sleigh Rides on the National Elk Refuge began yesterday. I caught this group making their way to the office this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorns on Ridge

Bighorns on Ridge: The rut is just getting going on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 14th, 2020 – Monday

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Time to retire your hunter orange vests, jackets, and stocking caps for another year—at least for the Elk Hunt in Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge. The hunt ended yesterday. Bison are still being hunted in the National Elk Refuge, but that usually happens well out of sight.

Light Snow

Light Snow: Until today, some of the secondary two track roads have been left open for the hunters, but as of today, the “power line road” has been plowed in. The Warm Springs (running parallel with the Kelly Warm Springs outlet) road appeared to be open, however. Access to some of the bull Moose will be much more limited. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

  • As of this morning, Antelope Flats Road was still open and was being plowed. I don’t know how long they will leave it open?
  • Tomorrow, the Snake River bottom from Moose Headquarters to Pacific Creek will be closed to human entry. 
  • The Sleigh Rides into the Elk begin today on the National Elk Refuge. 

Lip Curl in Snow

Lip Curl in Snow: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Historic Miller House

Historic Miller House: Fresh snow on the hillsides at the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: The Bighorns were active this afternoon! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: These shots were all cropped from long distance captures. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 13th, 2020 – Sunday

The Elk Reduction Program (Elk Hunt) in Grand Teton National Park is over as of the end of today. We can put our orange vests away for another year!

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: One of the big boys at Miller Butte. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: A lip curl on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bohemian Waxwing

Bohemian Waxwing: The Black Bears left the Moose-Wilson Road before all of the berries were gone. Bohemian and Cedar Waxwings have found them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bohemian Waxwings

Bohemian Waxwings: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bohemian Waxwings

Bohemian Waxwings: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bohemian Waxwing

Bohemian Waxwing: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing: This species is smaller than the Bohemian Waxwings and have more yellow in their chest. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 12th, 2020 – Saturday

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: I had planned on heading north out of town to look for Moose (again), but something told me I should check out the National Elk Refuge instead. I shot this image long before there was a reasonable amount of light! The shutter speed was all the way down to 1/60th second, F-6.3 (wide open), and the resulting ISO was 2000. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: This nice ram was “in the rocks”, which I like much better than when they are on the road or on flat ground (unless they are bashing heads). Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ram Chase

Bighorns in the Rut: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Rut

The Rut: Things looked promising! Two of the large rams were interested in a single ewe, but they didn’t bash heads. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Portrait: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Eye

Bighorn Eye: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Capped Ram

Snow Capped Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: There’s some open water on Flat Creek now. I took this one is the early morning light. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

House Finches

House Finches: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 11th, 2020 – Friday


Shoshone: Overnight snow topped off the sagebrush and covered the Moose feeding on the bitter brush. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison Bull and Cow

Bison Bull and Cow: There’s a good sized herd of Bison hanging around near the Mormon Row Barns. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead: Snow changes everything! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Barn

John Moulton Barn: Snow and low clouds simplify the landscape. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Small Cabin

Small Cabin: Even with light snow, a bit of filtered light his the small cabin on the National el Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Steller's Jay

Steller’s Jay: Throughout most of the Winter, most of the birds that visit my back yard are either gray, black, white, or brown. Flickers can have a little orange and Woodpecker Males have a patch of red, but again, most other birds are relatively neutral. It is great to see some bright colors, as seen with Steller’s Jays and Bluejays. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 10th, 2020 – Thursday

I drove back into the park last night for a “chance” to see the Northern Lights, but the clouds had already rolled in. Reports suggest that tonight could also be good for the Northern Lights, but as you can see below, I probably won’t see them.

December 10 Weather Report

December 10 Weather Report: After a fairly long dry spell, it looks like Jackson Hole will start getting new snow. (We need it!)

Frosted Coyote

Frosted Coyote: More than likely, this is the same Coyote I photographed a few days ago. He was aware of me, but stayed on his hunting route. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Coyote

Frosted Coyote: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Coyote

Frosted Coyote: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Hoback: Hoback is still carrying one of his impressive antlers. I photographed him a lot back in late August and early September when he was hanging with Shoshone. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shared Space

Shared Space: The Mallards continued to feed, even with a lumbering dark object only a few feet away. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Flat Creek is still frozen, so watch for Trumpeters and other waterfowl in spring fed pools. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: The colors were so rich in this one! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn Sheep: So far this year, I haven’t seen as much rut behavior at Miller Butte. The sheep are there, however! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Stuff

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel: This squirrel is a regular visitor. She’s a great “poser”, too. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bluejay: The morning clouds thinned some by noon. I took these shots just after having lunch. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: In most years, I get both Hairy Woodpeckers and Downey Woodpeckers. Maybe a few of the smaller ones will show up later in the Winter. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch: These are noticeably smaller than the White-breasted Nuthatches, but are equally jittery. Occasionally, they’ll pause for a split second as they check the area for threats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 9th, 2020 – Wednesday

Backlit Bull Moose

Backlit Bull Moose: You can see a bit of the steam coming out of his mouth as the sun cleared the mountains and backlit the subjects. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Nice to see this old fella still has his antlers! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Anterless Bull Moose

Anterless Bull Moose: This bull has a ragged left ear. Based on the fluid dripping and frozen from the antler pad, it appears he lost the antler quite recently.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bondourant: I saw close to 30 moose today. If you want to catch the bulls with their antlers, looks like you better hurry. The shed seems to be happening earlier than normal this year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead: Many of my favorite photos of the Mormon Row barns and homesteads are taken from less common locations. The frosted trees and low band of clouds were particularly appealing to me this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead: We’ve had an extended period of high pressure in Jackson Hole, giving us clear skies. If you put much stock in the weather forecasts, there is a new front headed our way which will bring in clouds and some potential snow. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Elk Reduction Program (GTNP Elk Hunt) ends at the sunset on December 13th. The Park Service usually keeps Antelope Flats Road open for the hunters, but are quick to barricade the road after the hunt. With the snow storms on the way, I am expecting them to close it sooner than later. Get your shots while you can!


December 8th, 2020 – Tuesday

Sparring Bull Moose

Sparring Bull Moose: I managed to get out early today and found a couple of bulls close enough to photograph. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otter: Seen along the icy shore along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Other Wildlife

  • It has been a while since anyone has seen 399 and her four cubs, but she was apparently spotted by a hunter on Blacktail Butte yesterday. This ends speculation that she might have already headed to her winter den.
  • A large herd of Bison has moved south and were in the area north of the Mormon Row Barns.

Wagon Wheels

Wagon Wheels: I photographed these wheels on December 1st and posted them in the December Daily Journal. As I drove down Mormon Row, I noticed the interesting long shadows and warm morning light so I snapped another couple of photos. The December 1st photos were taken with overcast skies, for a completely different look. Scroll down to see it! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: This shot was still in the camera from photos I took yesterday afternoon. It has been a good year for Woodpeckers! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 7th, 2020 – Monday

Mallard Duck

Mallard Duck: Mallards are common around Jackson Hole, but I think they are fun to photograph, especially with good light and conditions. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Mallards: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallard Duck

Mallard Duck on Ice: The entire area of Flat Creek in front of the observation platform is frozen solid right now, but there are pockets of open water here and there. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 6th, 2020 – Sunday

Buck Mule Deer

Buck Mule Deer:  Very early in the morning at the edge of Kelly. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Lifting Fog at First Light

Lifting Fog: First light on Miller Butte. I went there looking for Bighorns and hoping to see a few of them head bashing. They were around but not active early. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Little Cabin

Little Cabin: I also did a quick run south of town looking for Great Horned Owls. I didn’t see them so I stopped for a few foggy landscapes. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Little Cabin

Little Cabin: I’ve always liked all of the compositional elements with this scene. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 5th, 2020 – Saturday

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: Frost on the trees…snow on the barn! Taken just after the sun hit the valley floor. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosty Trees

Frosty Trees: Taken from Antelope Flats Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

Brook Trout for Breakfast: Active River Otters along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otter: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otter and Trout: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams and Ewe

Bighorn Rams and Ewe:  The big ram is protecting his ewe below. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorn Chase: Younger rams chasing a ewe along the rocks on Miller Butte. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 4th, 2020 – Friday

Early Bird Entry (last night’s photos)

December Milky Way

December Milky Way: The “new moon” will not happen until December 14.  A lot of photographers come to Jackson Hole on or around the new moon, but it’s possible to start photographing the Milky Way three or four days after the full moon. I drove out Thursday evening for a few night time photos. Nikon D6 and Sigma 24mm F/1.4 Art Lens, Tripod.

Milky Way

Milky Way: I took this group at Snake River Overlook. No one else was there, of course. Nikon D6 and Sigma 24mm F/1.4 Art Lens, Tripod.

Milky Way

Stars Over the Tetons: Nikon D6 and Sigma 24mm F/1.4 Art Lens, Tripod.

Night Time Driving in the Tetons

The night time speed limit in Grand Teton National Park is only 45mph. During the daylight hours, the highway speed limit is 55mph and 45mph on most of the inner roads. The reduced speed is enforced 30 minutes after sunset and until 30 minutes before sunrise. Good to know!

A few years ago, I was driving north to Oxbow Bend for the late September sunrise. Of course, to get there early enough, the drive is in the darkness of night. September is a time of the year when Moose, Elk, and Bison are on the move at night. A few miles south of Moose Junction, a SUV passed me going well over 45mph. Frustrating! Just before they made it to the “climbing rocks”, I saw their brake lights, then saw their vehicle swerve. AS I made it to their stopped vehicle, I could see an injured Moose off to the side and their damaged vehicle. I heard later the Park Service had to put down the bull Moose. So sad. Tonight, essentially same thing happened. I was going 45mph and a white Ford pickup passed me at almost the same spot as before. Frustrating! Actually, I was angry this time as I remembered the dead Moose. Another vehicle approached and passed me, but this one was a Teton County Sheriff. At about the same place the other SUV hit the Moose, the Sheriff’s red and blue flashing lights came on. YES, YES, YES! I definitely had a smile on my face as I drove by them.

Morning Photos

Fog Rainbow

White Rainbow – (Sometimes called a Fog Rainbow): It is not uncommon for me to drive down Antelope Flats Road. You never know what might pop up (bears, coyotes, foxes, wolves, ermine, bison, etc). This morning, fog was covering everything in the Mormon Row area, but it felt like it was about to lift. I started out with my Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens for some “standard” fog shots as each building began to reveal itself. That’s when I noticed the bright white shape over the Peach House. Wow! I had to run back to the car to grab a D850 and 24-70mm lens for this image. To get the entire rainbow, I took two shots and later stitched them in Lightroom. This is the first time I have ever been able to photograph an entire White Rainbow. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Handheld.

Fog Rainbow

White Rainbow: I moved to the left to help center the buildings, but the event was beginning to break up. You can see the remains of the moon in this one. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Handheld.

Lifting Fog

Lifting Fog Pano: Click the image to see it larger. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Foggy Kingfisher

Foggy Kingfisher: These birds have some sort of “camera radar”. They always fly as soon as I raise the camera to my eye. I like this one because of the foggy look. This was taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Two Big Bulls

Two Big Bulls: If these bulls had been up when I saw them, I might have spent some time trying to get better shots, but they often stay down for several hours after their morning feeding sessions. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Chapel of the Transfiguration: Normally, people try to include the Grand behind the Chapel photos but the fog obscured the Teton Range this morning. The fog helps define the cross and buildings, lit by the filtered morning light. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Chapel of the Transfiguration: Currently the road into the Chapel area is still “slightly open”. The snow plow driver pushed a berm up at the Park Road, but a couple of vehicles have driven through it. Lacking any signs or barricades, I followed the tracks. If you want shots from there, I’d suggest going soon. This one is very similar to the previous photo, but I like both. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Chapel of the Transfiguration: I like this angle and composition, but hate the two signs on the right side. You can see I was able to eliminate the signs in the previous two shots. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Chapel of the Transfiguration: This angle helps cover the annoying sign, yet still has a workable composition. Note: Due to the Pandemic, the Chapel and surrounding area was closed throughout all of 2020. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Afternoon Photos


Freemont: In the afternoon, I returned to the spot I saw the two bulls and found them up and feeding. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bondurant: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Freemont and Bondurant

Freemont and Bondurant: There were actually three bulls in the area. Sadly, one of them has already lost both antlers for the season. It’s a bit early, but I guess seeing the one today is a harbinger of things to come. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 3rd, 2020 – Thursday

It’s only the third day of December, but I can say I am already quite satisfied with the photos so far. Lots more to come, so check in often throughout the rest of the month!

John Moulton Homestead
John Moulton Homestead: An early morning band of light hitting the sagebrush behind the barns, along with the bottom of the low clouds. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
White-tailed Buck
White-tailed Buck: Normally, White-tails bound off when I’ve tried to photograph them. Yesterday, this buck rambled along near the outlet at the Kelly Warm Springs. I shot from my car to keep from spooking him. After he crossed the stream, I discovered he wasn’t alarmed by my presence, I told myself I’d like to be a lot lower if I ever got another chance. He crossed the same areas this morning, so I found better vantage points for today’s photos. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
White-tailed Buck
White-tailed Buck: The overnight temperature dropped to -4ºF, allowing the warm water from the springs to frost the nearby grass. Very pretty in the early morning light! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
White-tailed Buck
White-tailed Buck: I’d love to find a large cooparative White-tailed buck someday, but this one will work. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
White-tailed Buck
White-tailed Buck: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
White-tailed Buck
White-tailed Buck: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
Sleeping Indian
Sleeping Indian: I don’t think I’ve every taken this shot. I zoomed in on the rock formations today. The morning light and the snow helped accent the rocky ledges. While most people call it Sleeping Indian, it is also called Sheep Mountain. I am sure some of the Bighorns that winter on Miller Butte spend their summers on the rocky cliffs there. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
Colorful Grunge
Volkswagen: I’ve seen a colorful old Volkswagen parked around town over the past month or two. I saw it parked along the road this morning as I was driving home from the Elk Refuge. I stopped for a couple of shots. Hard to say how many different coats of paint its had over the years. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
Snow King
Snow King: Snow King Resort opened for skiing a few days ago. They are running the snow making guns to augment the natural snow. It’s plenty cold for the snow making this year! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.
Great Horned Owl
Great Horned Owl: An afternoon shot taken south of town. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 2nd, 2020 – Wednesday

Sunrise Ridge

Sunrise Ridge: I was out early, ready for a great sunrise, but clouds were not floating above the Tetons. Alpenglow happens for a short period even if there aren’t clouds to go with the scene. I like this spot along the Gros Ventre Road and stop when conditions are right.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer: I took this shot at the Kelly Warm Springs. White-tailed Deer are much less common in GTNP than Mule Deer.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Teton Ribbon Clouds

Teton Ribbon Clouds: I snapped this photo from Moose Junction.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Rut behavior at the National Elk Refuge.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Road Closure

Road Closure: I you drive roughly four miles on the Elk Refuge Road, you’ll find this sign and barricade. Hunters with permits are still allowed do use the road.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Log Ends

Log Ends: Around here, I could find lots of similar opportunities as residents stock up on firewood they’ll use this winter. I thought the variety sizes was interesting and worth a quick shot.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Steller's Jay

Steller’s Jay: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 1st, 2020 – Tuesday

December Sampler

Welcome to December!

November 2020 Daily Journal for Jackson Hole and GTNP

The first few days of December should resemble the last week or so of November, so be sure to check that page. IT IS LOADED with photos intentionally focused on offering a wide variety of subjects. Same for October!

Top Features for December

There are four or five major wildlife subjects in December: Moose, Bighorns, Swans, Elk, and Mountain Goats. While concentrating on those subjects, watch for the smaller ones like owls, foxes, pine Martens, ermine, river otters, and badgers… just to name a few! You might even spot one of the Grizzly families as they move around looking for kills and gut piles.

  • Wear orange in the Elk Hunt zones in the southern section of the Park. (See Map) The hunt ends on December 13
  • Watch for random sightings of Badgers, Ermine, Otters, Owls, Foxes, Wolves, and Bears.
  • A beautiful layer of snow now covers the mountains.
  • The Sleigh Ride on the National Elk Refuge begins December 14.

Random Notes

  • The middle section of the Moose-Wilson is Closed.
  • The road down to Schwabacher Landing is Closed.
  • The Two Ocean Lake road is Closed.
  • The Inner Park Road between the Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountain is Closed.
  • The road north at the end of the Elk Refuge Road is closed.
  • Antelope Flats Road will remain open until at least December 14.

COVID-19 Notes

  • The pandemic still has a grasp on Teton County and the State of Wyoming.
  • Statewide infection rates are continuing to go up. The Governor contracted Covid-19.
  • St. John’s Hospital is at full capacity.
  • Masks are still required in Teton County and the Town of Jackson when inside businesses or around other people.

Elk Reduction Program Began Saturday, November 7 (Ends December 13)

This link offers details regarding the elk hunt in Grand Teton National Park.

GTNP Area 75 Hunt Map“The only area open to the elk reduction program is Wyoming Game and Fish Elk Hunt Area 75, located mostly east of U.S. Highway 89. The Antelope Flats portion of this area closes November 23, and the remaining portions close December 13. The Snake River Bottom between Deadmans Bar and Ditch Creek is closed [to hunting].” Click the thumbnail  Map to see it MUCH larger. 

December 1st Photos:

Moose in Sage

Moose in Sage: I am including this photo to illustrate that not all “moose mornings” are equal. On some days, they can be within yards of the road, while other days, they are too far out for good photos. I saw a lot of them today, but bailed on them quickly. As you will see in the rest of the photos below, leaving a mediocre opportunity led to better ones.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Chambers Homestead

Wagon Wheels: Antelope Flats Road and Mormon Row Road are still open. Things look completely different this time of the year. Sometime after the Elk Hunt ends on December 13th, the Park Service will gate the middle section of Antelope Flats road for the winter, making it much more challenging to get winter photos of the old homesteads. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Wagon Wheels

Wagon Wheels: I know there are photographers that like to characterize themselves as either “wildlife photographers” or “landscape photographers”. I like both, AND I like these kinds of shots. They fill the day and my cards. But possibly, the more important lesson is simply the fact you have slowed down and are out of the vehicle. Some people stay away from Mormon Row because they don’t need or want barn photos, but I think they are missing out! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Curious Coyote

Coyote: I managed to get photos of this Coyote at Mormon Row! See what I mean? You just have to be out and taking photos! I’ve also stumbled upon Ermine and Badgers while milling around the area. 399 and her four cubs “could” walk right by, too! They are probably “in the area” searching for hunter’s gut piles. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Coyote

Coyote:  Coyotes are defined as predators in Wyoming. There are no license requirements or stamps required to hunt coyotes. There are no bag limits. The only restriction on take of coyotes is you cannot harvest a coyote from any public road. These coyote hunting rules force them to be quite skittish when they see a human figure. Even within the boundaries of the National Parks, they are seldom comfortable. This special coyote allowed me to take his photo, but was always very aware of my presence. I took hundreds of photos of this one! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: We have only a couple of weeks to get the Mormon Row photos. It will be possible to hike, snow shoe, or cross-country ski into the area. It’s roughly a 3/4 mile effort each direction, and if the temperature are below 0°F, it can be challenging.

Murphy Barn

Murphy Barn: When the Tetons are shrouded with clouds, I usually look for other subjects. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Plow

Snow Plow: I thought this was an interesting photo. It looks like the plow is zooming across open sagebrush, but it was actually on Antelope Flats road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: Bighorn Sheep are “in the rut” in December, along with Mule Deer. This group or rams were atop Miller Butte. I hung around a while. They came on down to check out the ewes and to lick the fresh salt off the roadway. Bighorns are a relatively dependable subject in December. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: This a fairly common pose right now. The rams are checking the ewes for optimum breeding opportunities. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Swans are also dependable subjects in December. Look for them along Flat Creek on the north end of town. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Muskrat: These aren’t the prettiest animals in the ecosystem, but I think they are still worthy subjects. River Otters have been seen and photographed on Flat Creek lately. Going back to my “barn” scenario, sometimes you get the “good stuff” (Otters, Ermine, Etc) while working on more common or mundane subjects. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Golden Eye

Common Golden Eye: I saw a group of five of these on Flat Creek. I initially thought they were female Barrow’s Golden Eyes, but they didn’t look quite right. I looked them up when I got home, to find they are Common Golden Eye females. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Astoria Hot Springs

Astoria Hot Springs: A few people have seen Mountain Goats in the Snake River Canyon this year. I went down last week and found two. I went again today and got skunked. On the way back I pulled over to take this quick shot of the warm water coming out of the new Astoria Hot Springs facility. It’s open now, but has some additional Covid-19 restrictions. Someday, I’ll dedicate a little more time and set up the tripod for some velvety smooth flows. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch: In case you are wondering, all of the photos on this page were taken TODAY….December 1st. Last month, I set up my bird blind and started putting out food for the wintering birds. They offer me some up close chances to stay home AND practice. This one took advantage of the new vertical “group” focus settings on my Nikon D6. I hadn’t used them much until today, but plan on using them more in the future. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Brown Creeper

Brown Creeper: Over a period of around 10 years of photographing birds in my back yard, this is the first time I’ve seen a Brown Creeper! I hope to get better shots of it someday soon. Right now, I have at least one Steller’s Jay, three or more Blue Jays, a couple of Clark’s Nutcrackers, numerous Black-billed Magpies, one or two Hairy Woodpeckers, a few occasional Ravens, and a variety of Chickadees, Finches, and Juncos. Additionally, at least one Spotted Towhee is challenging me! They are reclusive “ground feeders”. I forgot to include the Red-breasted and White-breasted Nuthatches. There maybe be more than one of each. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

I started feeding the winter birds many years ago. I am fairly certain that many of the birds in my back yard now have been returning year after year. I would encourage YOU to set up a few feeders and a few natural perches. Back yard birding can be both challenging AND rewarding!

I like December a lot! Days are short. The sun is low in the sky. Snow bounces sunlight into the shadows for some “fill light”. There are fewer people and rangers around (and, that’s a good thing if you are trying to stay from Covid-19 spreaders). Most of the “action” is in the southern portion of the valley, so I don’t put as many miles on my vehicles and I can save some gas! Days will continue to get shorter until around December 21st.

Antler Arch

Antler Arch: I should also mention that the Town of Jackson and the downtown merchants do a great job of decorating for the Holiday Season.

Antler Arch

Antler Arch: This is a good photo to end the December 1st entry in this month’s Daily Journal. Check back often as I will continue to add more photos and comments! If you can’t visit Jackson Hole in December, you can still get your “Jackson Hole fix” by checking in once in a while! MJ


I am accepting photo tours for the winter…with modifications!

Normally, I drive my tour clients around in my vehicle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve opted to offer tours by letting clients follow me in their vehicles. This allows for ample social distancing. I purchased several pairs of walkie-talkies to allow me to communicate while driving. Instead of eating inside one of the restaurants, I Creekside Market will make sandwiches to order for the day’s trip. Masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will be provided. If you have questions, please ask!

The goal is to keep both of us safe, yet cover most of the same areas of the park.

Photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site. Keep me in mind if you are going to be in the valley! My tours are licensed by the National Park Service and National Elk Refuge.

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours

I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


The post December 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH first appeared on Best of the Tetons, Area Info & Photography.

November 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH


November 30th, 2020 – Monday

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Elk Reduction Program Began Saturday, November 7 (Ends December 13)

This link offers details regarding the elk hunt in Grand Teton National Park.

GTNP Area 75 Hunt Map“The only area open to the elk reduction program is Wyoming Game and Fish Elk Hunt Area 75, located mostly east of U.S. Highway 89. The Antelope Flats portion of this area closes November 23, and the remaining portions close December 13. The Snake River Bottom between Deadmans Bar and Ditch Creek is closed [to hunting].” Click the thumbnail  Map to see it MUCH larger. 

Setting Moon at Snake River Overlook

Setting Moon at Snake River Overlook Pano: The moon was a huge bright ball for most of my morning moon shots. I waited until the last minute for some of the ambient light to help equalize the scene. This was taken as four horizontal captures and stitched in Lightroom. Click on the image to see it much larger. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Tripod.


Alenglow (Pano): The moon had already set by the time the alpenglow lit the sky. At -4°F, I was ready to get back to the car! Click on the image to see it much larger. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Tripod.


Scruffy: This youngster lost his antlers. His right ear looks like it got caught in a blender. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosty Elk

Frosty Elk: The hunt is still ongoing in GTNP and the National Elk Refuge. Only the cows are being shot, but the bulls don’t know it. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Vertical Rainbow

Vertical Rainbow: The sun hit the lingering morning fog, creating part of a rainbow. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk Herd

Elk Herd: This group of elk were safely on the National Elk Refuge, but they were still terrified by hunters in the area. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk Herd

Elk Against Fog and Steam: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

I’ll be posting a new December Daily Journal tomorrow. It has bee a very good November, despite working around the Pandemic. 


November 29th, 2020 – Sunday

       Moose Morning

Moose in the Morning: Lots of photos today! A couple of the nice bulls were visible and relatively close to the road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bulls

Sparring Bulls: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Of course, this was taken at Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Move

Elk on the Move: A large number of Elk streamed over Miller Butte. This was an amazing sight! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Move

Miller Butte: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Move

Elk on the Move: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ribbon of Elk

Ribbon of Elk: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Fox

Red Fox: I’ve been seeing a lot of fox tracks in GTNP, but no furry critters to go with them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Fox

Red Fox: This fox was on the West Bank. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Foxes

Red Foxes: As it turned out, there were two of them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Fox

Red Fox: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Fox

Red Fox: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Mouser: Unfortunately, it didn’t jump, but I was ready. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Mouser: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 28th, 2020 – Saturday

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Elk Reduction Program Began Saturday, November 7 (Ends December 13)

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: This big bull was near the JH Airport this morning. I went through last years photos and believe this is Freemont. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Freemont 2019: His antlers look about the same and he has a similar bell but no dewlap. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Freemont 2020

Big Bull Moose: Whether this is Freemont or not, he had a very large set of antlers! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frost on the Gros Ventre

Frost on the Gros Ventre: It was 3ºF this morning, frosting many of the trees and shrubs along rivers and streams. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Frost: This was taken along the Gros Ventre Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Ridge

Winter Ridge: You can see this stand of trees in the previous shot. I moved to the left to push them to the right and into the mountain. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Youngster: Even the smaller bulls look good in rich morning light. I should have moved a few feet to the left to shift that distant tree away from his face. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Action on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Head Bash

Bighorn Head Bash: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Downey Woodpecker

Downey Woodpecker: This male has been coming to my yard each day since I set up the blind. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Steller's Jay

Steller’s Jay: Today is my first day to see this beautiful bird. Hopefully, I can get a lot more photos of it through the winter. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie: On most days, roughly eight Magpies come to the back yard. They feed mostly on peanuts and suet, but have little interest in sunflower seeds. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 27th, 2020 – Black Friday

Moose on the Loose:

Moose on the Loose: Early this morning, this bull was leaving the Snake River and heading towards Ditch Creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose on the Loose:

Moose on the Move: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose in Gold Grasses

Moose in Gold Grasses: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose and Homesteads

Moose and John Moulton Homestead: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Murphy Barn

Murphy Barn: Taken from Antelope Flats Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose on the Move

Moose on the Move: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose on the Move

Moose on the Move: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose on the Move

Moose on the Move: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: I took this photo early while waiting for the Moose to cross the grassy fields. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: This one was taken about 30 minutes later after the filtered sunlight hit the same area. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: Same scene, but I un-zoomed a little. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: I received a report that a few Mountain Goats were close to the road in the Snake River Canyon. I buzzed down, but the only two I could find had moved back up the rock face. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 26th, 2020 – Thanksgiving

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Elk Reduction Program Began Saturday, November 7 (Ends December 13)

This link offers details regarding the elk hunt in Grand Teton National Park.

GTNP Area 75 Hunt Map“The only area open to the elk reduction program is Wyoming Game and Fish Elk Hunt Area 75, located mostly east of U.S. Highway 89. The Antelope Flats portion of this area closes November 23, and the remaining portions close December 13. The Snake River Bottom between Deadmans Bar and Ditch Creek is closed [to hunting].” Click the thumbnail  Map to see it MUCH larger. 

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: Seen grazing on twigs and small branches along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Aquatic Feast

Aquatic Feast: Feeding the aquatic vegetation in the small pond. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: This large overhead group reminded me more of Canada Geese than Trumpeter Swans! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and Cub Crossing

399 and Cub Crossing: She and the cubs are back in the Park. She crossed the highway with rangers creating a safe “bracket” at each end. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

399 and Cubs

399 and Cubs: I call these “record shots”. They document a sighting, but are not good for much else. Still…it was nice to see them! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: One of the big rams was off the butte and courting the ewes this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Showing a “lip curl” after checking out the ewe. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Approaching Ram

Approaching Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bluejay: Working on pulling a peanut out of the peanut wreath. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 25th, 2020 – Wednesday

Sleeping Indian Sunrise

Sleeping Indian Sunrise: Even though I saw a lot of Moose this morning, I opted to concentrate on the sunrise. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tetons and Clouds

Tetons and Clouds: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Grand

The Grand: There was a ribbon of low clouds and a banner of a cloud being blown off the peaks of the Grand. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Grand Peaks

The Grand Peaks: The color of the light changes quickly in the morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Grand

The Grand: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Sentinel at Miller Butte: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 24th, 2020 – Tuesday

Buck Mule Deer

Buck Mule Deer: There are usually a few Mule Deer does around the small town of Kelly, but this morning a buck was courting one of the does. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Kelly Sheds and Water Tower

Kelly Sheds and Water Tower: I did a quick loop through the roads in Kelly and stopped for this shot of some of the old buildings and water tower. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Parade

Moose Parade: Seen crossing the Kelly hay fields. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: The three bulls were leaving the sage flats and heading back to the Gros Ventre River bottom. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

A Record October: Increased Visitation for the Month of October

Grand Teton National Park hosted an estimated 351,173 recreation visits in October 2020, an 88% increase compared to October 2019. Park statistics show that October 2020 saw the highest number of recreation visits on record for the month of October. More data on National Park Service visitor-use statistics is available at irma.nps.gov/STATS/.”

Afternoon Swans

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: I mentioned on my November 1st entry that one of the highlight species are Trumpeter Swans. I’ve had a few good days along Flat Creek, but today was a premium experience. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: The beautifully graceful Swans can be aggressive and territorial. Occasionally. there’s blood! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 23rd, 2020 – Monday

Fiery Sunrise

Fiery Sunrise: Before heading to bed last night, I checked the weather forecast, then set my alarm for 5:30 am. When I got up, it didn’t look too promising but headed out anyway. As I was driving north, I could see color developing in the east. I pulled off the side of the road for this fiery sky with Shadow Mountain under it. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sunrise Pano

Sunrise Pano: I made a bee line to Snake River Overlook, but when I got there, the sky was extremely dull. I thought it was over, so I headed back south to begin looking for moose. A break in the eastern clouds let early light shine through, washing the Teton Range with beautiful golden light. I took this photo at the entrance to Schwabacher Landing (the road is closed). Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Buck Mountain Pano

Buck Mountain Pano: Click either of the two panos to see them much larger. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Resting Bighorn on Rocky Ledge

Resting Bighorn on Rocky Ledge: I checked the National Elk Refuge. These three seemed content to watch the action below from their high perch. After a few shots, I headed on home. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Something told me I should go back…so I did. The three rams had left the ridge and were walking down the middle of the road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: I haven’t seen more head banging lately, but it is early in the rut season. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Interestingly, the bull Moose   out of sight this morning. I saw 9 cows with a single calf, which is a good omen for the future of the moose population here.

Back Yard Birds


Bluejay: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Oregon Juinco

Oregon Junco: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 22nd, 2020 – Sunday

Shoshone and Tetons

Shoshone and Tetons: I did my normal drive around the Gros Ventre and Kelly areas, seeing at least 27 Moose. I didn’t take photos of any of them until I found #28…Shoshone.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone and Low Fog Bank: The low fog bank occurs often on cold mornings. Steam from the warmer waters of the Snake River forms along the west side of the valley. It was 4°F this morning!  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorns and Coyotes

Bighorns and Coyotes: Seen at the top of Miller Butte this morning. When I first saw the two canine shapes, I was hoping they were wolves. Either way, they got the attention of the group of Bighorns at the ridge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron: One of our wintering Herons, sometimes seen along Flat Creek.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron: He was standing on one leg while the other one was tucked up close to his body. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan Take Off

Trumpeter Swan Take Off: Along Fat Creek.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallard Ducks

Mallard Ducks: Also taken along Flat Creek.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 21st, 2020 – Saturday

Young Bull Crossing

Young Bull Crossing: I saw at least 30 Moose today! This one was crossing the road north of Kelly. Morning temperatures were in the 5°F for the first hour after clear overnight skies.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone in Sage

Shoshone in Sage: This was taken at quite a distance, but it’s Shoshone! He was near the airport. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Mounds

Snow Mounds: Taken early in the morning along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Trio

Bighorn Trio:   course, seen at Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ewe Portrait

Ewe Portrait: On many days, the Bighorns are close enough for some nice portrait shots. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Another   the big boys returned today! He has “broomed” off horns. I am anxious to see him interact with the other big rams over the next week or two. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Little Old House

Little House: Captured south of the Town of Jackson. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Taken along Flat Creek early this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hombre Moose

Hombre: Seen in the sage flats north of Kelly. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Sheridan: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 20th, 2020 – Friday

Bighorns and Sleeping Indian

Bighorns and Sleeping Indian: Morning at Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn and Morning Steam

Bighorn Ram and Morning Steam: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram and Lamb: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 19th, 2020 – Thursday

Moose Cow and Calf

Moose Cow and Calf: Seen in the sage flats north of Kelly. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead Pano

John Moulton Homestead Pano: Taken along Antelope Flats Road as a light snow softened the distant shapes. Click the image to see it larger. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer: There are more White-tails in the valley now than when we moved here. After seeing Mule Deer for so many years, White-tails just don’t look right to me! This one was near Moose Junction. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Cow Moose

Young Cow Moose: Seen along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Cow Moose

Young Cow Moose: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Bighorn

Young Bighorn: It’s difficult to be sitting in front of my computer in the afternoon when I think there might be Bighorn rams head bashing on the National Elk Refuge. Luckily, it’s close to home so I can make a quick trip out to see if I am missing the action. Today, I only found a few ewes and lambs close enough to photograph. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Wigeon: I’ve been seeing quite a few Wigeons along Flat Creek and in the pond north of the Visitor’s Center. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrow's Golden Eye

Barrow’s Golden Eye: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birding

House Finches

House Finches: Three males lined up on the same branch. I tried a couple of different focusing variants. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

House Finches

House Finches: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Spotted Towhee

Spotted Towhee: I’ve been seeing this nice looking bird for the past four or five days, but he stays on the ground and mostly in all of the ground cover. This is a tight crop while it was on the other side of the creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Oregon Junco

Oregon Junco: Juncos are passing through the valley right now. They are some of the first to return in early spring. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Dark-eyed Junco

Dark-eyed Junco: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 18th, 2020 – Wednesday

Bull Moose in Snow

Bull Moose in Snow: I saw over 25 Moose this morning, including this one along the Moose-Wilson Road. He was feeding on the small stems and twigs scattered in the Spruce and Aspen trees. Most of the Moose I saw were in the sagebrush and bitter brush areas north of Kelly. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: I posted this version on my Instagram page. Click Here to view other photos there. As if today, I have over 11,000 followers on Instagram. Feel free to follow me there! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Run

Elk on the Run: I went to the National Elk Refuge twice today looking for Bighorns. Instead, I saw a group of about 40 Elk on a dead run as they passed by the Miller House and up Crystal Butte. All of them looked exhausted, with their mouths open and tongues hanging out. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Run

Elk on the Run: I went back to the Elk Refuge later in the day, just in time to see a herd of Elk roll over Miller Butte. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Run

Elk on the Run: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Run

Elk on the Run: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Miller House

Miller House and Passing Elk: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 17th, 2020 – Tuesday

Tetons and Low Clouds

Tetons and Low Clouds: It was very cloudy in town, but not so much farther north. Low clouds like these are common in the winter, even if the shot above doesn’t have the “romantic” early morning light I prefer. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: After seeing that most of the Moose I saw were too far out, I headed back to town. This reflected Swan was along Flat Creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallard Ducks

Mallard Ducks: Seen in the pond just north of the Visitor’s Center. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Foggy Flat Creek

Foggy Flat Creek: This gives you a pretty good idea of what I was seeing this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Foggy Willows

Foggy Willows: I liked the moody look and composition taken of the willows north of the Visitor’s Center. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Foggy Cattails

Foggy Cattails: The fog changes the look   about everything including common elements like these cattails. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Cattails

Frosted Cattails: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Berries

Frosted Berries: Fog freezes on leaves, berries an branches on cold days. I liked the vibrant colors on an otherwise drab day. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Foggy Elk

Foggy Elk: Elk made a run to Crystal Butte (on the south side of Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge). After making it to Crystal Butte, a hunter fired a shot, sending them back to Miller Butte. The hunter’s bullet hit the last cow Elk, evident by her limp. She fell to the ground numerous times, getting up to try to keep up with the herd. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Miller House “Thrasher”: I am not positive what this piece of equipment is really called? It is now located on the north side of the Miller House. In the summer, we should be able to walk right up to it, but that area is closed to human entry during the winter months. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Nikon D6 Firmware Update: If you own a Nikon D6, they recently made a new firmware update that fixes several issues. The update was fairly quick and easy.

Bighorns at Miller Butte

Bighorns at Miller Butte: I made two trips to the National Elk Refuge today. I was primarily looking for head butting rams, but they must be chasing a ewe on the top of the butte. I found this small family group on the rocks late in the day. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

American Goldfinch

American Goldfinch: I was hoping to see a bright yellow male I see in the Spring, but they apparently lose the bright colors after the mating season. Thanks to John Gerlach for the bird info! I put out a couple of thistle seed feeders for them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 16th, 2020 – Monday

Shane Cabins

Shane Cabins: Looks like Winter is already here! If you take this shot, you’ll need to use the Clone tools in Photoshop. There are several cones in front of the scene. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Log Gate

Log Gate: Seen on the Gros Ventre Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn Rams: Seen at Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rut

Bighorn Rut: An “in season” ewe can attract a lot of eager rams! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Software Upgrades

Lately, Adobe has made upgrades to many of their programs in their Creative Cloud offerings, however some of the upgrades require IOS upgrades. I had been using High Sierra on my iMac, but yesterday, Idecided to do the upgrade to Catalina. It took about an hour and went well. Afterwards, I updated all of my programs that needed it, including Lightroom Classic and Photoshop. I also updated other programs like On1, Luminar, and the suite at Topaz Labs.

River Otters

River Otters: Seen along Flat Creek this afternoon. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrow's Golden Eyes

Barrow’s Golden Eyes: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: I went to Flat Creek this afternoon, hoping to capture a few Swans in flight, but found a variety of other subjects. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mule Deer Buck

Mule Deer Buck: This unique buck had half a dozen does around him. They were along the highway later in the day. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 15th, 2020 – Sunday

Bashing Rams

Bashing Rams: I found about a dozen Moose this morning and took a few photos, but decided to dedicate space today for the Bighorns. Eight rams were gathered when I got there, Several of them were bashing heads. I usually suggest we will see Bighorns around November 15th. Yep…right on time! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bashing Rams

Bashing Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bashing Rams

Bashing Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bashing Rams

Bashing Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bashing Rams

Bashing Rams: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bashing Ram

Bashing Ram: This is the largest ram of the group I saw this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Big Red

Rusty Liberty Bike: This is an old Chicago Cycle Bike Company bicycle I bought just for shots like this! It’s a “Liberty” model.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 14th, 2020 – Saturday

Young Bull in Aspens

Young Bull in Aspens: A cold morning following a 6″ snowfall in Jackson Hole. This youngster was milling around along a line of aspens. He was a little farther out than usual for a photo, but I liked the background. I saw 20 or so moose today. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bulls

Sparring Bulls: I didn’t see as many hunters today as I did yesterday. The Moose looked more relaxed. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Watchful Moose

Watchful Moose: Still…they were alert and aware of gunshots. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: I took this photo along Flat Creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Mergansers

Common Merganser: I have been seeing quite a few Common Mergansers and a lot of Barrow’s Golden Eyes lately. I have been informed the smaller one is a female Hooded Merganser. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: I buy peanuts at the Dollar Tree, then usually feed half of an 8 oz. bag at a time using a Peanut Wreath. The Magpies, Nutcrackers, and Bluejays can remove half a bag in 15 minutes. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

White-breasted Nuthatc

White-breasted Nuthatch: Unlike most Woodpeckers, Nuthatches ofter walk “down” a tree. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bluejay: I grew up in Oklahoma where Bluejays were fairly common. Over the past five or six years, I’ve seen a few in my yard each Winter. At least one pair is here again this year though I haven’t seen Steller’s Jays. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Friday the 13th!

First Glow

First Glow: Instead of heading north on the highway, I drove up Spring Gulch Road. I’ve always liked this spot, shooting it off and on during all four seasons. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Box L Barn

Box L Barn: First light on the Ridgeline. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Teton Range Pano

Teton Range Pano: Click this image to see it much larger. It was taken as four or five horizontal captures, stitched in Lightroom. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: A group of bulls were booking it out of the National Elk Refuge and back to the Park. Elk were being hunted in the Park this morning. I saw several cows killed. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: These were taken along the Gros Ventre Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sleeping Indian

Sleeping Indian: On first look, you might only see Sleeping Indian, but look closer to see about 18 Elk running across the pasture. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk on the Run

Elk on the Run: This just part of the Elk running south, but out of the hunter’s hunting zone. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 12th, 2020 – Thursday

Clearing Clouds

Clearing Clouds: I was up and out of the house plenty early, but clouds shrouded the entire range. I switched to wildlife mode and found close to 20 Moose, but didn’t stop for any of them. Eventually, the clouds started lifting and allowing me to get a few landscapes following the new snowfall. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead: I love the way a telephoto lens compress a scene. The new snow on the trees behind the barns highlighted their textures.Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld. 

The Peach House

The Peach House: I liked the moody clouds and golden light in this shot. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Wagon Wheels

Wagon Wheels: Taken along Mormon Row. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Portions of Flat Creek have frozen, pushing the Swans Into smaller areas. The often get active a little after first light. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Backlit in the early morning sunrise. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Swan in Flight

Swan Take Off: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Take Off

Take Off: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birds

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-breasted Nuthatch: At it turns out, I have both a White-breasted Nuthatch and a Red-Breasted Nuthatch visiting my yard this year. From what I can remember, that’s the first time to have one of each. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

House Finch

Male House Finch: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bluejay: I enjoy watching these birds. I’ve seen them follow a Magpie when it is burying a peanut in the snow, then take the peanut once the Magpie flies off for another one. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 11th, 2020 – Wednesday

Veteran's Day Flags

Veteran’s Day Flags: Flags are decorating downtown in honor of Veteran’s Day. I am offering a big salute to all of our Veterans, and especially my Dad, Roy Jackson, Jr., who served the US in Korea. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bull Moose

Sparring Bull Moose: I saw around a dozen Moose this morning, mostly in the Kelly/Gros Ventre area. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Each day, more and more Trumpeter Swans are returning to the JH Valley. This group of three were seen along Flat Creek as light snow fell. I checked Miller Butte this morning, but didn’t see any of the Bighorns that have moved into the area. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Barn

Winter Barn: Normally, I don’t expect a lot of snow to stick on the valley floor until Thanksgiving, but this storm is adding around 2 inches in town. I drove south of town to look for Owls, but pulled over for a few barns. The same scene will change considerably as winter progresses. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Barn

Winter Barn: Roads were quite slick when I was out. I decided to head on home to wrap my grill gazebo for winter bird photography. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Early Winter Wagon

Early Winter Wagon: A little bit of snow goes a long way to highlight or accents some of the details on stationary subjects like this old piece of farming equipment. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Back Yard Birding

I set up my blind today, then had a nice stream of subjects.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: I had barely finished when I heard a Woodpecker. Sure enough, this nice looking male came in for some suet. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hairy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker: The light snow from morning intensified by afternoon. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Northern Flicker

Northern Flicker: Males have the orange patch on their cheeks. A Magpie flew in and spooked him, but I would expect to see him often. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie: Magpies raid the peanut feeders, grabbing a peanut, then flying off to bury it in the snow for later. They return for another peanut until the feeder is empty. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

White-breasted Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch: I’ve been hearing a Nuthatch, but was not sure whether it was a White-breasted or Red-breasted Nuthatch. I’ve seldom had both in the back yard in one year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Clark's Nutcracker

Clark’s Nutcracker: There are at least one pair of Nutcrackers this year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

House Finch

House Finch: A group of about 20 House Finches showed up at one time. They fed on sunflower seeds before being spooked off by the larger birds. Males have more red on their head and chest than the females which are mostly brown and white. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 10th, 2020 – Tuesday

Bull in Snow

Bull in Snow: There was a light snow while I was out this morning. I captured this photo with a tripod at 1/60th Second. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull in Snow

Bull in Snow: Captured on a tripod at 1/320th Second. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Cowboy Walk

Cowboy Walk: When a new bull approaches other bulls, they move in slowly and deliberately. They turn their head, drop their ears, and lean in. I call it the “Cowboy Walk”. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Cowboy Walk

Cowboy Walk: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Three Bulls

Three Bulls: This group was along the Gros Ventre river bottom. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Sparring Bulls

Sparring Bulls: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Afternoon Photos

Sparring Bull Moose

Sparring Bull Moose: When I saw the snow beginning to fall again, I went back to the spot I left the four bulls this morning. It wasn’t snowing as hard as I had hoped, but I got a few more shots. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Two Bulls

Two Bulls: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


November 9th, 2020 – Monday

Sunrise Clouds

Sunrise Clouds: There was a small break in the eastern clouds as the sun started rising. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Morning Moose

Morning Moose:  Seen before sunrise north Kelly—not far from the Science School road. I was around 18 Moose this morning.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Watchful Bull

Watchful Bull: A hunter on the ridge, dressed in orange, caught the attention of the group of Moose. They spooked and moved away from him. Mary Hone supplied this handsome bull with a name…Hombre. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Morning Mountains

Morning Mountains: The dark section on the right is actually the SE portion of Blacktail Butte. It’s a different angle on the areas mountains. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Captured Leaves

Captured Leaves: Ice, snow, and leaves taken in Ditch Creek. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Feeding Bull

Feeding Bull: While some of the Moose are feeding on Bitter Brush, others are dining on the smaller branches and twigs along the river bottoms. This is a left over photo from yesterday morning. I processed a few more late last night that didn’t get added to yesterday’s entry. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bluejay: It looks like I have a pair of Bluejays again this winter! Paul Gore told me they had lots of them in Montana earlier in the year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bluejay: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black-billed Magpie

Black-billed Magpie: I have been considering rewrapping my “grill gazebo” as a bird blind for this Covid-19 winter. I’ve heard a few Red-breasted Nuthatches and would expect a few Northern Flickers and Woodpeckers to show up. A Clark’s Nutcracker was in the yard today, too. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

399 and Cubs Update

The Grizzly sow and her four cubs of the year spent a week or so in west Jackson, but has returned to GTNP on November 7.  The last report I heard suggested she crossed back from Blacktail Butte to the Snake River.


Gros Ventre Crossing

Gros Ventre Crossing: The forecasted snow began at about the same time this bull began crossing the Gros Ventre River. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Gros Ventre Crossing

Gros Ventre Crossing: The willows stored the snow, while the snow on the rocks were mostly melted as the bull crossed. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Moose

Sparring Moose: Yesterday, we went to Idaho Falls. I mentioned at the end of the Saturday entry that I hoped to find some Moose in the snow. Well…it worked out! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Hoback: This bull broke his distinctive left antler weeks ago but is otherwise doing well without it. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Hoback in Snow Storm: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hoback in Snow

Hoback in Snowy River Bottom: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Outhouse

Winter Outhouse: Taken at the John Moulton Homestead. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

The Peach House

The Peach House: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barns with November Snow

Barns with November Snow: Part of the John Moulton Homestead along Mormon Row. Antelope Flats Road is historically open through the middle of December, catering to the Elk hunters. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

There were LOTS of hunters out this morning. Most were working the area north of the rest room at the Kelly Warm Springs and along the East Boundary Road.


November 7th, 2020 – Saturday

Santa and Owl

Santa and Owl: What???????? I’ve been looking for any kind of owl I can find lately. This morning, Darla and I headed down the Snake River to make it to Idaho Falls. Normally, we go over Teton Pass, but I chose the canyon for a “chance” to see a few Mountain Goats. I had my Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport ready, but I didn’t spot a single Mountain Goat at any of the potential spots. We had to kill a couple of hours, so we walked to the mall where Darla shopped and I milled around. Well…I found a couple of owls! These two photos were taken with my iPhone in the Christmas section at Dillards.

Santa and Owl

Santa and Owl: Hopefully, readers will forgive me for not stopping to take photos along the way. We went back “up” the canyon on the way home, but didn’t see the goats. I’ve heard a couple of reports of people seeing them, however.

Christmas Ornament

Christmas Ornament: Normally, I am watching for “anything of interest” while in the Tetons. I suppose I was in the same mode in the mall.

Inverted Ornament

Inverted Ornament: I am not sure if I will ever use this image in a composited project, but it certainly has some potential.

Christmas Ornaments

Christmas Ornaments:

As I make this entry tonight, it is raining here in Jackson Hole. The weather forecast calls for snow in the morning…I hope to find a few Moose in the snow.

And…remember to bring some orange if you are going to be in the hunt zones.


November 6th, 2020 – Friday

Sleeping Indian Sunrise

Sleeping Indian Sunrise: I’ve photographed Moose several days in a row, so I headed north this morning. My decision was also guided by the morning clouds. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snake River Overlook

Snake River OverlookNikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Tripod.

Triangle X Ranch Fences

Triangle X Ranch Fences: These used to be more “romantic” buck rail fences, but I guess these will have to do. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Oxbow Bend

Oxbow Bend: This was taken at the “upper lot” at Oxbow Bend. A month ago, the aspens still had brightly colored leaves. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Willow Flats Pano

Willow Flats Pano: I turned my camera to “portrait” orientation and took around six shots…I wanted the clouds in the photo. The set of photos were merged in Lightroom. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

American Coots

American Coots: This large flock of American Coots were milling around near the dam at Jackson Lake. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Grizzly Sub-Adult: I heard this is a three and a half year old sow. She has been roaming around in the Pilgrim Creek area for the past week or so. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Raven: Seen near the Jackson Lake Dam. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 5th, 2020 – Thursday

Moose Crossing

Moose Crossing:  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

For what it’s worth, ALL of the Moose photos I took this morning are in an area where elk hunters can fire their rifles at migrating elk. I’ll soon be wearing hunter orange if I NEED to go into those hunting zones, but would prefer to stay out of them.

Shoshone and Hoback

Shoshone and Hoback: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Hoback: At one time, this bull had a beautiful pair of antlers. He left antler even had a distinctive “down tine”, but the entire antler is now broken. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Shoshone and Hoback

Shoshone and Hoback: These two spent a lot of time together earlier in the year and seem to still enjoy each other’s company. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Overnight, the Park Service put up orange signs at the edges of the hunting zone. Most of the signs seem to be for the hunters telling them where they can’t hunt and not telling tourists where the hunt is open for shooting.

Afternoon Shots

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: I was lucky to spot this Great Horned Owl tucked in a Spruce tree. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Moose

Young Moose: Seen resting near a small pond south of Jackson. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Young Elk

Sparring Young Elk: Seen west of the Town of Jackson. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: Not the largest bull in the valley, but he’s still quite beautiful! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 4th, 2020 – Wednesday

Teton range Sunrise

Teton Range Sunrise: Finally…some clouds! Skies have been essentially “sterile” for quite a few days. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone and Mt. Moran

Shoshone and Mt. Moran: Shoshone was feeding on Bitter Brush in the fields north of Kelly this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Remnant Leaves

Remnant Leaves: Seen along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: I’ve been seeing at least 20 Trumpeters along Flat Creek. These two were sharing the water with a Coot and a Mallard. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bondurant and Cow

 Bull and Cow: I saw 15 or more Moose this morning. I spent the morning with Bondurant and a coupe of small bulls. I haven’t been able to find Shoshone for a few days. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant with Grand: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant with Buck Mountain: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant Crossing Icy Stream: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ice Crystals

Ice Crystals: Mother’s Nature’s “Design Team” was busy again last night. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant: Bulls are still “testing” the cows. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant: Yep…he’s a nice looking bull! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Griz! I left the Moose this morning before they bedded down, hoping to find a “new” subject or two. I headed north and found this beautiful Grizzly. She(?) didn’t have a collar or ear tags. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: I checked my mail and then drove south to see what I could find. This GHO was in the shadows when I first saw it, but the evening sun gradually moved across her. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Taken at the Boyle’s Hill Swan Pond. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


November 2nd, 2020 – Monday

Moose Courtship

Moose Courtship: Most of the rut is probably over, but bulls still check the cows. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant: Captured in the early morning light. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Morning Drink

Morning Drink: Even a young bull is a great subject when next to water! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Morning Drink

Morning Drink: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Passing Moose

Passing Moose: This photo has three features. First, the passing Moose cow and calf. Second, the buck rail fence the Park Service put around the Peach House at the John Moulton Homestead. Lastly, workers removed a section of stucco which they will hopefully replace soon. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Griz, Coyote, and Magpie

Griz, Coyote, and Magpie: Yes, I know this is a lousy photo! With the distance and harsh backlighting, I didn’t have a chance to get anything better. Half a dozen Coyotes were testing the Grizzly, but it held its ground. Magpies and Ravens are always quick to find a carcass. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Afternoon Photos

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: If you find Moose in the morning, you can get shots before they bed down for the day. In most cases, you can return late in the day and they will be within about 50 yards of where you left them (sometimes in the same spot). Yesterday, they had moved around 100 yards. I took a few hundred photos last evening, then culled them down to around 12 keepers. I’ll post them here this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bondurant and Cow

Bondurant and Cow: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bondurant: Bonurant is missing a large tine on the front edge of his left paddle along with a small tine on his left brow tine. He has distinctive long tines on both paddles and a scuffed nose. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Setting Full Moon

Setting Full Moon: This is another shot from November 1st. I was hoping to get a similar shot with the Grand as the foreground subject, but the moon was dropping behind the large peaks before the morning sunlight hit the range. I took this photo from Snake River Overlook. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

VOTE TODAY if you haven’t already done so! Stay Safe!


November 1st, 2020 – Sunday

November Images

Welcome to November!

November 2020 Daily Journal for Jackson Hole and GTNP

The first few days of November should resemble the last week or so of October, so be sure to check that page. IT IS LOADED with photos intentionally focused on offering a wide variety of subjects. Same for September!

Top Features for November

  • Moose should be more visible in the sage flats.
  • Swans will be moving back into Jackson Hole for the winter.
  • Bighorns will be moving back onto the National Elk Refuge.
  • Wear orange in the Elk Hunt zones in the southern section of the Park.
  • Watch for random sightings of Badgers, Ermine, Otters, Owls, Foxes, Wolves, and Bears.
  • Snow will cover the mountains.

Random Notes

  • The middle section of the Moose-Wilson is Closed.
  • The road down to Schwabacher Landing is Closed.
  • The Two Ocean Lake road is Closed.
  • The Inner Park Road between the Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountain is Closed.
  • Remember to adjust your clocks!
  • The Dornan’s Store (at Moose) will not close in November this year. All other in-park businesses and visitor’s centers are closed.

COVID-19 Notes

  • The pandemic still has a grasp on Teton County and the State of Wyoming.
  • Statewide infection rates are up.
  • Hospital officials are quite concerned about limited rooms and equipment if things get worse.
  • Masks are still required in Teton County and the Town of Jackson when inside businesses or around other people.
  • Through much of October, I observed many more tourists wearing masks in the Park.

Grand and Setting Moon

The Grand and the Full Moon:  I headed north this morning, hoping to catch the setting full moon over the Tetons. To get the shot I really wanted, I needed about 5 to 10 more minutes.  The moon dropped behind the Tetons before the first light hit the Teton tips.. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld Over a Bean Bag.

Grand and Setting Moon

Grand and Setting Moon: These two photos were taken from the Highway near the Teton View turnout. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld Over a Bean Bag.

Snake River Overlook Pano

Snake River Overlook Pano: As of today, several of our “go to” locations like Schwabacher Landing, String Lake, Jenny Lake, Signal Mountain, and the Old Patriarch Tree are closed to vehicular traffic. The Snake River Overlook, Cunningham Cabin and a few zones near Triangle X are still accessible. You might also note that Oxbow Bend is open, but the water level is very low and all of the leaves are gone. Click this image to see it much larger. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld Over a Bean Bag.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: I need to double check, but I am fairly sure this is Bondurant. If Moose are not visible in the sagebrush from the roads, check the river bottoms.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Moose Cow

Cow Moose: While bulls are still hanging near the cows, most of the annual rut seems to be over. Still, you will find the bulls performing a Flehmen Reaction to check the cows. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Mule Deer Buck

Mule Deer Buck: As I was driving back to town, I spotted this nice buck along the highway, working his way to Town. Similar to the Moose, I think most of the Mule Deer rut is over. Some bull Elk are still herding their harems of cows. I haven’t seen many Pronghorns lately. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Mule Deer Buck

Mule Deer Buck: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Ice Crystals

Ice Crystals: If the temperatures drop well below freezing each night, Mother Nature goes to work creating awe inspiring designs. Interestingly, each one is affected by the warming days. Some melt completely, while other are refreshed with a new pattern the following night. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

The Last of the Leaves

Last of the Leaves: Almost all of the Fall foliage is over, however there are still picturesque opportunities like this branch imprisoned by the ice. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Each year, around 150 Trumpeter Swans return to Jackson Hole for the Winter. They are beginning to show up now as seen in this photo taken along Flat Creek this morning. I’ll get better shots later, but wanted to document them today. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: The two best places to photograph Trumpeters are along Flat Creek on the north edge of town and at the Boyle’s Hill pond west of Jackson. There are a few resident breeder Swans and a group of wild Trumpeters that fly in and out each day. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

November 2020 Daily Journal for Jackson Hole and GTNP

The first few days of November should resemble the last week or so of October, so be sure to check that page. IT IS LOADED with photos intentionally focused on offering a wide variety of subjects. Same for September!

Additional Wildlife Notes

  • The Grizzlies are still out and active. 399 and her four cubs have moved south, but I hear 610 and her two cubs are still north.
  • The Black Bears along the Moose-Wilson Road seem to have thinned considerably.
  • Elk will begin moving towards the National Elk Refuge.
  • Bison are remaining in the northern areas around Elk Ranch Flats.
  • Otters have been seen along the Moose-Wilson Road.
  • Great Gray Owls have been scarce again this year in GTNP.
  • Great Horned Owls have been seen off and on. Most leaves have dropped making them easier to spot.
  • By mid-November watch for more Bighorns to return to Miller Butte. The head bashing rut should begin after Thanksgiving through much of December.
  • Random Mountain Goats might be seen in the Snake River Canyon in November and more in December.
  • Watch for Rough-legged Hawks soon.


I am accepting photo tours for the fall and early winter…with modifications!

Normally, I drive my tour clients around in my vehicle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve opted to offer tours by letting clients follow me in their vehicles. This allows for ample social distancing. I purchased several pairs of walkie-talkies to allow me to communicate while driving. Instead of eating inside one of the restaurants, I Creekside Market will make sandwiches to order for the day’s trip. Masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will be provided. If you have questions, please ask!

The goal is to keep both of us safe, yet cover most of the same areas of the park.

Photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site. Keep me in mind if you are going to be in the valley! My tours are licensed by the National Park Service and National Elk Refuge.

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours

I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


The post November 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH first appeared on Best of the Tetons, Area Info & Photography.

October 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH


October 31st, 2020 – Saturday – Halloween

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Remember to adjust your clocks tomorrow!

Moose on Ice

Unexpected Trip to Idaho Falls

Yesterday, while crossing a frozen stream, the ice broke. I fell forward but was lucky to be close to the bank when it happened. Other than a little scrape on my shin and a couple of wet feet, everything was fine. Neither my camera nor lens suffered damage. I didn’t notice it right away, but I lost my glasses. I couldn’t find them on the bank, so I assume they are somewhere in the creek. Long story short…I made an appointment with an optometrist in Idaho Falls for today. I drove there, took the exam, and came home with a brand new pair of glasses. (I needed the exam and new glasses even before my little dip in the stream)

On the way back, I stopped in Ririe, ID for a few photos.

I’ll be back in the field tomorrow and will create a new Daily Journal for November!

Railroad Car Detail

Ririe – Railroad Car Detail: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Union Pacific Car

Ririe – Union Pacific Car: It looks like someone tried to paint over the old lettering, but it didn’t quite do the job. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ririe Tractor

Ririe – Tractor Details: I like trying to find interesting compositions in the busy scene. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tractor Steering Wheel

Ririe – Tractor Steering Wheel: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tractor Steering Wheel

Ririe – Tractor Steering Wheel & Light: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Ririe – Thrasher Pulleys: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Pulleys and Sprockets

Ririe – Pulleys and Sprockets: Needless to say, I was in Ririe late in the day when the shadows were long and interesting. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elevator Siding

Ririe –Elevator Siding: Again, the shadows caught my eye. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Watch for the new November Daily Journal tomorrow.


October 30th, 2020 – Friday

Hoback and a Youngster

Hoback and a Youngster: This shot illustrates Hoback’s missing antler. The left side is broken off just off the pad. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone's Morning Drink

Shoshone’s Morning Drink: Yesterday, Shoshone was in the sagebrush, but he was in the river bottom today. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone and Hoback

Shoshone and Hoback: These two bulls spent many days together when they were growing their antlers. They split up soon after stripping their velvet. I found them together again, but Hoback is now missing his distinctive left antler. Hoback quickly backed away when Shoshone approached him. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Hoback: Not to worry! He’ll lose both antlers in December and grow a new set next year! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: It’s easy to see why I love photographing this majestic bull! He has a “lazy” left ear, but he can lift if when he needs it. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Comical Expression

Comical Expression: A camera can occasionally freeze a split second in time revealing sometimes comical expressions. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Captured Leaves

Captured Leaves: There are still examples of foliage in transition, like these branches captured by the ice. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ice Crystals

Ice Crystals: The formation on the right reminds me of an egg in a skillet. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ice and Crystals

Ice and Crystals: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 29th, 2020 – Thursday

Foggy Moose

Foggy Moose: We can get morning fog even on days when the forecast suggests clear skies all day. That’s what happened today. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Foggy Moose

Foggy Moose: This bull was seen near the Highway along the Gros Ventre River. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Cow and Calf

Moose Cow and Calf: Captured at Moose Junction. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Calf

Moose Calf: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: This not a great shot, but I added it to show that Shoshone has moved out to the sage flats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Broken Antler

Hoback with Broken Antler: I had to go back to my September photos to verify it, but I am almost certain this is Hoback. I’ve heard other people tell me they saw him with a broken antler, but this morning was the first time I’ve actually seen him. It’s not a great shot…shooting into the sun. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Seen along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otters: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Random Notes

  • The middle section of the Moose-Wilson has been closed early.
  • The road down to Schwabacher Landing has been closed early.
  • The Two Ocean Lake road is closed.
  • The Inner Park Road between the Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountin will close on November 1st.
  • The Murie Center road has been reopened.
  • 399 and her four cubs moved south…all the way to the west side of Jackson


Black Hawthorn Berries: For some reason, the Black Bears neglected a lot of berries on the north end of the Moose-Wilson Road this year. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 28th, 2020 – Wednesday

Lots of photos today (again)!


My wife’s boss asked her to drive to Livingston, MT to pick up an eight week old Border Collie. Instead of letting her drive 10+ hours, I volunteered to do the driving to keep her from having to ride 10 hours with any of her friends (with or without a mask). As usual, I took my camera! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Teton Pass

Teton Pass: Sunrise on our way out of town. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Rolling Hills

Eastern Idaho Rolling Hills: Taken near Felt, ID. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Idaho Grain Elevator

Idaho Grain Elevator: Taken in the evening near Ashton, ID. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Idaho Valley

Idaho Valley: Taken a few miles north of Felt, WY. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Railroad Tracks

Railroad Tracks: Taken at Ashton, ID. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Moonrise over the Back Side: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Almost all of these are outside of the Jackson Hole Valley, but still in the Greater Yellowstone region.  I have quite a few more…possibly good for a Feature Post.

Just for reference, this little “scheduled” trip should be my last one out of the valley for quite a while. With COVID-19 cases spiking in Teton County, and around the region, I am planning one pulling back into my “shell” for a while—much like a Hermit Crab! Much of my upcoming shooting will resemble my shooting during the March/April shutdown…but actually that is plenty doable.


October 27th, 2020 – Tuesday

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Lots of photos today!


Youngster: This little one is already getting the hang of a “lip curl”. He was spotted along the Gros Ventre drainage. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Frosty Moose

Frosty Moose: I am not quite sure if this is the same Moose I called “Laramie” last year, but he has several of the characteristics. Notice the snow on the ground from the snow storm that passed through Jackson Hole while Darla and I were in Denver. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Laramie 2019

Laramie 2019: I’ll check some more of last year’s photos, to compare the one I saw this morning with this bull from last year.

Ribbon Clouds

Ribbon Clouds: Last night’s weather forecast suggested clear skies today, but they missed it again. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn Pano

TA Moulton Barn Pano: Normally, I use a 24-70mm lens for this shot, but I had the Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens on my D6 this morning. I shot this as a pano, taking five or six verticals and then stitching them in Lightroom. Notice the new snow on the mountains and eve on the valley floor. It was cold today, so I wouldn’t expect much of the snow to melt today. Click this image to see it larger. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead: A different view of the Homestead, taken from Antelope Flats Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Ice Crystals

Ice Crystals: This is the time of the year when Mother Nature puts on an abstract art show. The extreme cold temperatures freezes surface water in an endless array of patterns and textures. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Fence Post

Fence Post: The Park Service replaced some of the barbed wire with barbless wire a few years ago. Some of it is rolled up on the fence posts along Mormon Row. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose and Tetons

Moose and Tetons: This would be “just another Moose in the sagebrush” except for the Teton Range backdrop. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull Moose and Mt. Moran

Bull Moose and Mt. Moran: My preference is to photograph a bull with his ears forward and his head above his shoulders, but this bull didn’t cooperate! Close, but no cigar! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose in Sage

Moose in Sage: This bull has a broken tine on his right paddle and a unique left paddle. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bighorns! It’s a couple of weeks early, but roughly 20 Bighorn Sheep have returned to the National Elk Refuge. The big weekend snow storm seems to have pushed them to Miller Butte early this year.

Bighorn Lamb

Bighorn Lamb: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Lamb

Bighorn Lamb: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

I paid my fees for my National Elk Refuge Permit last week to be able to start offering my custom Photo Tours beginning on November 1st.


I am accepting photo tours for the winter season…with modifications!

Normally, I drive my tour clients around in my vehicle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve opted to offer tours by letting clients follow me in their vehicles. This allows for ample social distancing. I purchased several pairs of walkie-talkies to allow me to communicate while driving. Instead of eating inside one of the restaurants, I Creekside Market will make sandwiches to order for the day’s trip. Masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will be provided. If you have questions, please ask!

The goal is to keep both of us safe, yet cover most of the same areas of the park.

Photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site. Keep me in mind if you are going to be in the valley! My tours are licensed by the National Park Service and National Elk Refuge.

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours

I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


October 26th, 2020 – Monday

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Home After Our Denver Road Trip:

Fall Leaves

Fall Leaves: Many trees in Denver are just now changing colors. I took these after a morning snow.

For anyone just checking in, Darla and I made a weekend road trip to Denver to see our oldest son. I took a few photos but had problems downloading the files to my old laptop. We are back, so I’ll post a few of them today. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Little Yoda Pumpkin

Little Yoda Pumpkin: Anyone watching the Mandalorian show would recognize this figure. Tyler’s neighbor had several creative pumpkins on their doorstep. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Texture

Snow Texture: I took a few texture shots, including this one with snow texture over an asphalt parking lot. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Rusty Wheels

Rusty Wheels: Tyler’s future Father-in-Law collects “rust” and displays it on a wooden fence. While waiting for the hamburgers, I took a couple of photos of his rusty prizes. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Tripod.

Rusty Wheels

Rusty Pulleys and Chains: I waited until after the sun went down and used a small headlamp to light the elements. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Tripod.

Sinclair, WY

Sinclair, WY: This Sinclair Oil Refinery is located just off of I-80. The old Lincoln Highway once ran through the main street. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Sinclair, WY

Sinclair, WY: The warm steam was extremely well defined in the 10ºF ambient temperature. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Sinclair, WY

Sinclair, WY: I took my “travel gear” which included only a Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, along with a mid-weight carbon fiber tripod. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Wild Horses

Wild Horses: There were several herds of Wild Horses grazing relatively close to the highway (about half way between Rock Springs and Eden). The herd had around 70 horses. The other two had roughly the same. They seemed a lot more spooky than the horses I’ve photographed near Cody, WY. This was one subject that made me wish I had taken my Nikon D6 and Sigma 60-600mm combo, and I wish had a lot more time to photograph them. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Wild Horses

Wild Horses: The map below and links underneath it might help you find some of Wyoming’s Wild Horses! These were in the White Mountain HMA. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.


Wyoming – Herd Management Areas | Bureau of Land Management

Wyoming Herd Management AreasBLM Wyoming manages 16 wild horse herd management areas on nearly 5 million acres. The combined appropriate management level for all HMAs in the state is 3,725 animals. Explore Wyoming’s herd management areas using the links on the right. Learn more about wild horse gathers and removal actions in Wyoming.
I should be back out in the field in Jackson Hole tomorrow.


October 25th, 2020 – Sunday

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On the Road: Comments from Denver

It snowed today here in Denver. I heard reports it snowed lightly in the Town of Jackson and a lot more in the Tetons.

I took a few snow/foliage photos, but am having trouble downloading them to my laptop.


Blondie: October 16


Blondie: October 16


Shoshone: October 2


October 23rd, 2020 – Friday

On the Road: Comments from Denver

I received a report from a friend in the Tetons. It was 10°F there this morning. Blondie was seen around Pilgrim Creek last evening. 399 was roaming around south of Signal Mountain after crossing the Snake River below the Jackson Lake Dam. Elk have been seen morning an evening around Willow Flats.


Shoshone: October 21st along the GV River.

Bison Bull

Bison Bull: October 19 at Elk Ranch Flats.


October 22nd, 2020 – Thursday

Foliage Reports for September and October 2020

Also…check out this Feature Post: Polarizing Filters for Fall Foliage


Shoshone: Bighorn Lamb

On the Road!

Darla and I got up early and headed towards Denver this morning. I grabbed my Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens. There was an overnight snow in the Tetons and had snow and wind near Elk Mountain along I-80.

I’ll add a few  unpublished JH photos on this page over the next few days along with a few photos from the Denver area. I heard 399 and her cubs were seen near Pilgrim Creek and Pilgrim Road this morning.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: This raptor was photographed south of town a couple of days ago. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 21st, 2020 – Wednesday


Shoshone: Seen along the Gros Ventre. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone and Challenger

Shoshone and Little Challenger: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Shoshone and Challengers

Shoshone and Challengers: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Colorful Aspens

Colorful Aspens and Stormy Skies: I took this photo in town as I was running a few errands. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bluejay! I was happy to see four Bluejays in my back yard. Hopefully, several of them will hang around all winter. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel: For years, I’ve had a Red Squirrel back yard visitor. I don’t know if it is the same one, but the current one is quick to show up when there are sunflower seeds around. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


October 20th, 2020 – Tuesday

Gos Ventre Sunrise

Gos Ventre Sunrise: A quick stop along the GV River to catch the sunrise color. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Bull Newcastle

Moose Bull Crossing Sage: Early morning bull. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Bull Newcastle

Moose Bull in River Bottom: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Bull Newcastle

High Steppin’ Bull: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Mule Deer Doe

Mule Deer Doe: One of several Mule Deer seen near the Moose Visitor’s Center. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Aspen Trunks

Aspen Trunks: Taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Death Canyon

Death Canyon: Prime aspens along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison at Water

Bison at Water: I took this shot at Elk Ranch Flats as the Bison moved to water. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 19th, 2020 – Monday

Calf in Transition

Calf in Transition: This late season “Red Dog” is in the process of changing from rusty red to black and brown. The Bison were are Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Muddy Water Hole

Muddy Water Hole: It’s difficult to image this water is too healthy, but it doesn’t take much in the way of a water hole to quench their thirst. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison on the Run

Bison on the Run: These guys are amazingly fast! Many tourists underestimate them. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bear in the Rockin' Chair

Bear in the  ‘ Chair: Seen along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Aspens: While the yellow and gold leaves are on the ground in most areas of GTNP, Aspens are close to prime in a few areas along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 18th, 2020 – Sunday


Shoshone: Seen along the Gros Ventre this morning. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison Courtship

Bison Courtship: Remnants of the rut seen at Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash: Eye popping color on many trees and shrubs in the Town of Jackson. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 17th, 2020 – Saturday

Misc. Area Notes

  • Early voting for Teton County residents is underway in the County Offices at Simpson and Willow. There are essentially no lines. An Official Ballot Drop Box is on the same corner.
  • Crews in GTNP have removed the No Parking / No Walking / No Standing signs, the cones, and the brown stakes along the 1.8 mile section of the Moose-Wilson Road.
  • Grizzlies have been active in the northern portion of the Park.
  • The Signal Mountain Campground is scheduled to close on the 18th. It is the last day of legal camping in GTNP.
  • The Elk Reduction Program (elk hunt) is probably already underway, however the GTNP web site has not been updated: https://www.nps.gov/grte/planyourvisit/elkreduction.ht Their website says it begins in early October and ends in early December. It might be time to dig out your orange vests and hats again if in areas of the southern portion of the Park.
  • The middle section of the Teton Park Road (Inner Park Loop Road) between the Taggart Lake Trailhead and Signal Mountain will close on October 31.
  • The middle section of the Moose-Wilson Road between the Death Canyon Road and Granite Canyon Trailhead will close on October 31.
  • The gravel section of Spring Gulch Road was under construction at times last week. I hear it is open again.
  • The 2.5 mile section of Antelope Flats Road will remain open until mid-December.

Free COVID-19 Tests for Wyoming Residents

  • Gov. Mark Gordon has authorized a FREE Covid-19 test for Wyoming residents. Go to https://www.vaulthealth.com/covid Note: fill out the form and you will see a $0 balance if you have entered a valid Wyoming address.
  • Wyoming just reported its highest infection rate of Covid-19 on Friday.


Shoshone Resting: I haven’t seen this beautiful bull in a week or longer. He showed up not far off the highway today. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash Leaves and Berries: I stopped along Snow King Drive to take a few photos of the colorful Mountain Ash trees. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: A good stretch! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


October 16th, 2020 – Friday

Death Canyon

Death Canyon: Taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Also spotted along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Little House in Gold

Little House in Gold: Taken a few miles south Jackson. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Meadow Ranch Barn

Meadow Ranch Barn: Also taken south of Jackson.Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: I wanted to check out my Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens after it came back from the Sigma repair shop. I’ve been shooting it heavily for a year and it needed some cleaning and maintenance. It took it out hoping to find an owl or some sort of wildlife subject. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod..


October 15th, 2020 – Thursday


Pronghorn: This young buck stopped to take a drink in a frozen puddle in the fields north of Kelly. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Newcastle Moose

Bull Moose: This is a “new” Moose for the year. He doesn’t have a dewlap but otherwise has a nice pair of antlers. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Newcastle Moose

Bull Moose on the Move: I saw at least 10 Moose this morning. Five bulls were in one area! Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bondurant Lip Curl

Bondurant Lip Curl: Accented with cottonwood leaves. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bondurant Lip Curl

Bondurant Lip Curl: A humorous capture at the end of a “lip curl”. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Part of the reason I am making a late entry tonight is the fact I took just under 3000 photos today! Many of them were taken of a cooperative young Black Bear on the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: This photo shows some of the remnant leaves in the Black Hawthorn bushes and aspens. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Generally speaking, crowds have thinned some in GTNP. Still, I have a feeling some of the normal crowds are farther north looking for Grizzlies 399, 610 and Blondie. Reports suggest they were quite active today. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Heading to water. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.


October 14th, 2020 – Wednesday

Black Bear in Berries

Black Bear with Black Hawthorn Berries: There are still a lot of berries on the bushes and trees along the Moose-Wilson Road. Some of the bears are quite acrobatic when trying to feed on them. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bison and Cowbirds

Bison and Cowbirds: Seen at Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison Bull

Bison Bull and Hitchhikers: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tetons with a Gold Cottownwood

Tetons with a Gold Cottonwood: Taken from Uhl Hill east of Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tetons and Aspens

Tetons and Aspens: Taken along the north edge of Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: I’ve heard about this Moose for a long time, but this was the first time I’ve actually seen him. He was on the move when I saw him, looking for a cow in the region. Watch him in the willows along the road to Two Ocean Lake. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Blondie: Blondie is back! Unfortunately, she appears to have lost her cub. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Blondie: She’s plump and beautiful! Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Blondie: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 13th, 2020 – Tuesday


Cottonwoods: A single shaft of light found its way to a row of Cottonwoods north of Kelly. I took a couple of long distant shots and kept on truckin’. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mt. Moran Sunrise

Mt. Moran Sunrise: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Cow and Calf

Moose Cow and Calf: Two of the 16 Moose I saw today. I passed up a few sots with three smaller bulls, hoping to find one of the larger bulls. These were along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose Cow and Calf

Moose Cow and Calf: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Seen feeding along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: I talked to a photographer who took a photo of a Great Horned Owl along the Highway near the Gros Ventre Junction. I found this one south of town. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.


October 12th, 2020 – Monday

TA Moulton Barn

T.A. Moulton Barn with iPhone: I had an interesting tour today. My clients had iPhones, so I used mine, too. iPhone 11 Max Pro.

John Moulton Homestead

John Moulton Homestead with iPhone: iPhone 11 Max Pro.

John Moulton Barn

John Moulton Barn with iPhone: iPhone 11 Max Pro.

Chambers Homestead

Chambers Homestead with iPhone: iPhone 11 Max Pro.

Beaver Creek

Beaver Creek with iPhone: iPhone 11 Max Pro on a tripod.

Aspen Trunks

Aspen Trunks with iPhone: iPhone 11 Max Pro.

Death Canyon

Death Canyon Pano with iPhone: This one was taken using the “Pano” feature within the iPhone. iPhone 11 Max Pro, handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: I used my D6 and telephoto for this shot. iPhones aren’t great for long distance, tight shots of wildlife. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose on the Move

Moose on the Move: Yesterday, I saw this bull near Dornan’s. He moved to Blacktail Ponds and disappeared. Today, we was almost to Death Canyon along the Moose-Wilson Road. In short, they are moving around a LOT right now. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 11th, 2020 – Sunday

Lots of Photos Today!

Antler Arches

Antler Arches: Lit up for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I stopped to take this photo early as I was heading north out of town. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mormon Row

Mormon Row: The snow we received overnight melted quickly, but I managed to get a few shots. I don’t believe the Grand ever cleared. There was a brisk wind all day, so I suspect some of the leaves were blown off of the prime trees. Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Bondurant still had some snow on his antlers when he stood up. His fur was still wet. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: After thrashing on a bush next to the Snake River, he took off north. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Hardiman Barn

Hardiman Barn: I experienced bands of snow, then blasts of light. This is the barn in Wilson, home to the Raptor Center.  Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mini Cascades

Mini Cascades: Captured on my way up Teton Pass. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Teton Pass

Teton Pass: The upper mountains received a fair amount of snow. The Tetons will look great again after the low clouds lift. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Ash

Mountain Ash: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Victor Barns

Idaho Barns: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Victor Barns

Victor Barns: Nikon D500 and Tamron 180400mm Lens, Handheld.


Grunge: This old piece of farming equipment was next the road when I took the previous photo. Nikon D500 and Tamron 180400mm Lens, Handheld.

Idaho Country Roads

Idaho Country Roads: I noticed a lot of nice color on our return trip from Idaho Falls yesterday. This afternoon, I drove over for a lot of nice shots. I’ll add a lot more on the Foliage Reports for September and October 2020 page. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 10th, 2020 – Saturday

Black Bear

Black Bear: Yesterday, I was able to find a beautiful Black Bear out in the open. This morning, I wasn’t quite as “luck”. I only had a couple of hours to spend in the wilds before making a much needed trip to Idaho Falls, ID. The photo above is the “best” of 94 captures.I post this photo to show the “in the field” reality from day to day. Possibly, if I had been able to hang around, I might have had better “luck”.  Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tractor and Hay Blocks

Idaho Tractor: I like to take at least one camera with me, even when on a shopping trip. My “walkabout camera” combination is a Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens. It is lightweight and plenty capable. I spotted this on our drive back home. Harvest time has been in full force on the West side of the Tetons. Also, there are MANY beautiful stands of aspens at the base of the mountains on the Victor side of the pass. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

We are in store for a new weather front tonight, including possible snow. Hopefully, I can get out and capture a few seasonally unique images. MJ


October 9th, 2020 – Friday

Moose Bondurant Moose

Moose Lipcurl: Bondurant, seen near the Snake River and distant cottonwoods. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Bondurant Moose

Bull Moose in Sage: I haven’t seen this nice looking bull until today. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Also seen along the Snake River. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Feeding on Black Hawthorn berries. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Black Bears can range in color from blonde, to cinnamon, to brown and black. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Log Crossing

Log Crossing: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Stream Crossing

Stream Crossing: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Other Bears:

The Murie Center Road is closed to allow rangers to capture a pesky Black Bear. Other Black Bears are being seen in the Laurance S. Rockefeller Preserve and along the Moose-Wilson Road. 610 and her two cubs along with 399 and her four cubs have been seen around Oxbow Bend, Signal Mountain, Willow Flats, and the Jackson Lake Dam. Both families are roaming around and can be up Pacific Creek Road, Two Ocean Lake Road, and Pilgrim Creek Road.


October 8th, 2020 – Thursday

Sleeping Indian

Sleeping Indian: Splendor via morning haze! Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Aspens and Hawthorns

Aspens and Hawthorns: Taken along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Pronghorn Buck

Pronghorn Buck: I saw this buck and two does crossing Antelope Flats early in the morning…before the sun cleared the eastern mountains. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Squirrel

Red Squirrel: Captured String Lake. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mule Deer Doe

Mule Deer Doe: A splashy crossing at Cottonwood Creek.Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: On the move near the Moose Entrance Station. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Copter Rescue

Copter Rescue: I am sure the story will be in the newspaper tomorrow…a couple of people were air lifted out of the Tetons. Nikon D6 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod.

Bar-B-C Rusting Vehicle

Bar-B-C Rusting Vehicle: Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Bar-B-C Entrance

Bar-B-C Porch: The old Bar-B-C Ranch had as many as 100 structures in its heyday, hosting poets, writers, singers, and other well-to-do visitors during the summer months. Many of the structures are still standing. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Bar-B-C Cabin

Bar-B-C Cabin: Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Bar-B-C Lock

Bar-B-C Lock Detail: Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Log End

Log End: Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Wasp Nest

Wasp Nest: This was spotted at the Bar-B-C ranch. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Bar-B-C Foliage

Bar-B-C Foliage: I probably should have gone to the ranch four or five days ago if I wanted to take photos with prime aspens behind the cabins, but there are still some beautiful stands of aspens and cottonwoods. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.


October 7th, 2020 – Wednesday


Shoshone: Seen near the Snake River this morning. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Cow and Bull

Moose Cow and Bull: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Foliage in Motion

Foliage in Motion: This is a great time to experiment with long exposure abstracts. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Seasons in Transition

Seasons in Transition: The Black Hawthorn trees are changing from green to red, especially along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Sigma Sport 60-600 mm lens? A couple of people have asked me about the recent change from a Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens back to my Tamron 150-600 mm lens. Last week, I sent my Sigma lens to the service center for cleaning and maintenance. I’ve been using it regularly for one year.

Other Notes:

  • Some of the Wildlife Brigade Volunteers will be leaving for the year.
  • Haze and smoke has returned. The mountains were much more clear yesterday.
  • Teton County is experiencing a surge in Covid-19, but I am now seeing more people wearing masks in the park.
  • Lots of colorful foliage left in the Park, yet some of the zones or stands of trees are past prime.
  • The ferry from Jenny Lake to Cascade Canyon is closed.
Seasonal closure date
Gros Ventre Campground
October 9
Jenny Lake Campground
Closed for season
Signal Mountain Campground
October 18
Colter Bay Campground
Closed for season
Colter Bay RV Park
Closed for season
Lizard Creek Campground
Closed for season
Headwaters Campground
Closed for season


October 6th, 2020 – Tuesday

Oxbow Bend

Oxbow Bend: A few of the leaves have fallen in the middle section of the bank of Aspens, but it is still very nice. See more photos on the Foliage Reports for September and October 2020. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone: If you are looking for Shoshone, look in the area around the Snake River Bridge at Moose. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.

Jenny Lake

Jenny Lake: Technically, this is Cottonwood Creek after it exits Jenny Lake. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm Lens, Handheld.


October 5th, 2020 – Monday

Moose at Blacktail Ponds

Moose at Blacktail Ponds: Seen early this morning just after he crossed the highway. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose at Blacktail Ponds

Moose at Blacktail Ponds: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Pronghorn. Buck

Pronghorn. Buck: Captured in the Kelly hay fields. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Seen near the Visitor’s Center. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: This one was feeding along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bison Eye

Bison Eye: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sparring Bison

Sparring Bison: The Bison herd was at Elk Ranch Flats today. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Dog

Red Dog: One of several late season Bison calves at Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 4th, 2020 – Sunday

Fire in the Park: The JH News and Guide says there have been 11 forest fires in the past few days. The largest one is located on the forest north of Pilgrim Creek Road.


Pronghorn: Seen at Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Seen agains the colorful river bottom shrubs. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Oxbow Bend Color

Oxbow Bend Color: Still looking great! More foliage photos here: Foliage Reports for September and October 2020


October 3rd, 2020 – Saturday

Young Bulls

Young Bulls:These two bulls are about the same size! Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone in Morning Light: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Sparring Youngsters

Sparring Youngsters: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Reaching Black Bear

Standing  Black Bear: Captured near the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Pronghorns: A doe and fawn resting near Elk Ranch Flats. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan in Gold

Trumpeter Swan in Gold: Taken at the Boyle’s Hill Swan Pond. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: Taken near the Boyle’s Hill Swan Pond. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Pilgrim Creek Fire

Pilgrim Creek Fire: This photo shows the Jackson Lake Lodge with the distant fire and smoke, taken from the road to the Jackson Lake Dam. Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 2nd, 2020 – Friday


Sunrise: This morning, a thin layer of smoke hovered along the Tetons at about half way up and above. The first light was red and pink, but it dulled quickly. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Shoshone Crossing

Shoshone Crossing: Taken against the fall colors. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: Cows will not mate with a youngster like this one, but it doesn’t stop them from trying. The larger bulls run them off if they get close to a cow. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Young Bull Moose

Young Bull Moose: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Lip Curl

Moose Lip Curl: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Shoshone in Gold

Shoshone in Gold: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Mid-sized Bull

Mid-sized Bull Moose: As I keep saying, the bulls are moving around looking for a single cow. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Blacktail Butte Sunrise

Blacktail Butte Sunrise: Colors of rose, peach, and pink are possible when smoke it lit by the morning sun. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Red Sqiurrel

Red Squirrel: Nikon D6 and Tamron 150-600mm Lens, Handheld.


October 1st, 2020 – Thursday

Fire in the Park: I saw a photo showing a forest fire north of the Jackson Lake Lodge. Hopefully, they will put this one out right away! More info tomorrow…

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: To see Elk in Grand Teton National Park, you have to be up VERY early! In most cases, they’ll be back in the trees before the sunlight hits them. I took these from Windy Point. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Beanbag.

Bull Elk

Bull Elk: I usually shoot over a beanbag at this time of the morning. Elk spook quickly if they see a human figure, so I stay either inside my truck and shoot over the window, or stand behind my truck. The beanbag helps a lot.  Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Beanbag.

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Chapel of the Transfiguration: In most years, visitors can go through the gates and enter the Chapel, but it has been closed all summer. The Aspens are yellow behind it right now. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens,Handheld.


Color Abounds!: As of the first of the month, many areas have plenty colorful trees. There’s a lot more info and more photos on this page: New: Foliage Reports for September and October 2020 Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone: This is a great time to try to put wildlife in front of gold leaves if you can do it! Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Shoshone in Gold: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Pronghorn Buck

Pronghorn Buck: Bison are moving to and from the Mormon Row and Antelope Road area. At times, it seems they have disappeared! Pronghorns are visible on most days in those areas. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Shoshone: Bulls are moving around the valley. The Gros Ventre has numerous bulls, along with the Snake River bottom and other smaller tributaries. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Bear

Black Bear: Your best bet to see a Black Bear is along the Moose-Wilson Road. The are actively feeding on Black Hawthorn berries. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Reflected Trunks

Reflected Trunks: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Black Hawthorn Berries

Black Hawthorn Berries: Many of the Hawthorn bushes are still green, but some of them are changing to bright red and orange. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Fall Moose

Fall Moose: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Teton Sunset: Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Oxbow Bend Morning Pano

Oxbow Bend Morning Pano: I didn’t have a chance to make it to Oxbow this morning, but this photo from yesterday should show what it looks like at the beginning of October. Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

October! Just a few quick notes:

  • October days will be shorter and cooler, but you will likely still need to be out early to see Elk, Moose, and Deer.
  • The bright green grass of spring and early summer are drying out and turning gold or rusty orange.
  • Snow is possible, especially in the high country.  Snow helps make the fall foliage even more dramatic.
  • The Bison rut is over. Watch for them at times in the southern portion of the park and around Elk Ranch Flats.
  • Bull Elk are in the rut. Listen for their distinctive “bugle” along the base of the mountains and river bottoms!
  • Bull Moose will be in the rut through the first half of October. Bulls scatter throughout the valley looking for cows.
  • Grizzly Sow 399 with her four cubs and 610 with her two cubs will likely be visible around Oxbow Bend and Willow Flats.
  • Black Bears feed on ripening berries along the base of the mountains. The Moose-Wilson Road will have limited access again this year.
  • Pronghorns will be visible during the middle of the day. You can find them along most of the valley floor.
  • Wildflowers are essentially gone now. 
  • Leaves change colors in at different times across the valley, Some areas are peak. Some are just beginning.

September 2020 Daily Journal for Jackson Hole and GTNP

The first few days of October should resemble the last week or so of September, so be sure to check that page. IT IS LOADED with photos intentionally focused on offering a wide variety of subjects. Same for August!


I am accepting photo tours for the fall and early winter…with modifications!

Normally, I drive my tour clients around in my vehicle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve opted to offer tours by letting clients follow me in their vehicles. This allows for ample social distancing. I purchased several pairs of walkie-talkies to allow me to communicate while driving. Instead of eating inside one of the restaurants, I Creekside Market will make sandwiches to order for the day’s trip. Masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes will be provided. If you have questions, please ask!

The goal is to keep both of us safe, yet cover most of the same areas of the park.

Photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site. Keep me in mind if you are going to be in the valley! My tours are licensed by the National Park Service and National Elk Refuge.

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours

I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


The post October 2020 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH first appeared on Best of the Tetons, Area Info & Photography.