Jackson Hole & Grand Teton National Park

During September, I’ll work on two pages simultaneously. This September Foliage 2019 post will contain more specific information about the ever changing foliage status in the area. The September 2019 Daily Journal for JH and GTNP page will contain some foliage information, but will focus more on wildlife and landscapes. You’ll want to go to both regularly.
Archived Resources: September Daily Journals
September 2019 | September 2018 | September 2017 | September 2016 | September 2015 | September 2014: | September 2013:
Click this link to find a variety of Feature Post from earlier years!

Foliage Scale 2020
Note: Peak Fall foliage is not a one day event! It evolves over several weeks. Some areas go first, then lose leaves while others are just beginning. You should be able to find colorful foliage anytime from around the 10th of September to the first week in October.
Click the link above to view an informative page written by the US Forest Service

October 22nd, 2020 – Thursday
Please take a minute and register to sign up to follow this site. I’d love to have another couple hundred new subscribers from the group visiting the site this fall. MJ

Aspens: This will be the last day I enter new updates on this page for 2020. If you are in GTNP, look for colorful aspens along the Moose-Wilson Road, but almost every other zone is done. The photo above was taken just south of town. Colors are still good there, but are starting to thin.

October 19th, 2020 – Monday

For all practical purposes, most of the foliage is over inside GTNP EXCEPT for the aspens along the Moose-Wilson Road! You can still find a LOT of color in and around the Town of Jackson and south of town.

This is one of the Aspen stands along the Moose-Wilson Road.

Death Canyon can be seen in the distance, with a nice grouping of Aspens in front.

Mountain Ash trees are quite colorful in town.

The birds will eat the colorful berries on the Mountain Ash trees throughout the winter months.

October 16th, 2020 – Friday

Death Canyon: Taken along the Moose-Wilson Road.

Little House in Gold: Taken a few miles south Jackson.

Meadow Ranch Barn: Also taken south of Jackson.

Black Bearctober 15th, 2020 – Thursday

Across the board, most zones of Aspens, Cottonwoods, and Willows in GTNP have stripped leaves. There are remnants in some areas, as seen in this photo.

If you are looking for “color” in GTNP try the Moose-Wilson Road.
There is a lot of color in and around the Town of Jackson.

October 14th, 2020 – Wednesday

I took this photo from the road near Uhl Hill, located east of Elk Ranch Flats. I liked the single cottonwood with leaves highlighted by a band of light. Watch of chances to capture the changing seasons!

October 13th, 2020 – Tuesday
It was WINDY yesterday, blowing off a LOT of leaves! By now, I would expect the leaves at and around Oxbow Bend to be on the ground. There is still color in the Aspens around the Peach House at Mormon Row and along the Moose-Wilson Road. There’s a lot of bright color south of the Town of Jackson.

I posted this photo on the October Daily Journal for GTNP and the JH Area. I’ll post it here to show the color of the Black Hawthorn berries along the Moose-Wilson Road. Also, with some of the leaves missing on the trees and bushes, it it becoming easier to spot bears and owls. Similarly, the willows along the river bottoms are thinning and forcing the Moose to begin feeding more regularly on Bitter Brush, mixed in with the Sagebrush.

October 11th, 2020 – Sunday

Overnight Snow covered much of the valley floor early today, but much of it melted quickly. The mountains should hold some of it for a few days.

Leaves in Motion: I spent some time along the Moose-Wilson experimenting with long exposures and both vertical and horizontal motion.

Leaves in Motion:

Leaves in Motion:

Mountain Ash:

Idaho Color: I drove over the Pass after lunch to capture some of the Idaho color in the Victor area.

Idaho Country Roads:

Idaho Country Roads:

Idaho Country Roads:

Idaho Country Roads:

Idaho Aspens:

Idaho Aspens:

Victor Barns:

October 9th, 2020 – Friday
Please take a minute and register to sign up to follow this site. I’d love to have another couple hundred new subscribers from the group visiting the site this fall. MJ

Fall Moose: Many cottonwoods have lost their leaves along the Snake River, but not all of them!

Colorful leaves are hanging onto many of the Black Hawthorn trees and bushes.

October 8th, 2020 – Thursday

Colors along the Moose-Wilson Road. The Black Hawthorn trees are turning orange and red to compliment the bright yellow aspens.

Colorful Leaves: Taken along Cottonwood Creek.

Bar-B-C Ranch Ridgeline: Clouds began rolling in after lunch…a great sight after many days of cloudless skies.

October 7th, 2020 – Wednesday

Berries Bushes in Transition along the Moose-Wilson Road.

Leaves in Motion:

Leaves in Motion: This kind of photo requires a lens that can spin in the collar.

Leaves in Motion:

October 6th, 2020 – Tuesday

Alpenglow Pano at Oxbow Bend: Click this image to see it much larger. Oxbow is still looking good. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Tripod.

Oxbow Bend Pano: The upper lot has some beautiful aspens right now. Click to see this pano larger. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Handheld.

Aspens and Grand: Skies were still clear today, but the Tetons were much more visible. The weather report calls for one more day of clear skies before we get a few clouds. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Handheld.

Aspen Stands and Grand: Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn: The Aspens and Cottonwoods along Mormon still need a few days. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Handheld.

Cottonwood Creek at Jenny Lake. Nikon D500 and Tamron 18-400mm lens, Handheld.
This foliage page is only one of my pages for October. Click the link above to see a LOT more, including wildlife and other subjects!

October 5th, 2020 – Monday

Ditch Creek Fall Colors:

Berries in Red: Lots of color in Jackson Hole now.

October 4th, 2020 – Sunday

Upper Lot at Oxbow Bend: The aspens are turning even more gold!

Oxbow Color:

Oxbow Bend:


Peach House: Aspens are changing at Mormon Row, but still a few days from prime.

Wet Leaves: Leaves in Ditch Creek.

October 3rd, 2020 – Saturday

Oxbow Bend: Taken in the afternoon…showing the color at the “bend” and the haze in the sky.

Oxbow Bend Upper Lot: This stand of aspens is turning even more gold and orange. Looks GREAT!

Trumpeter Swan in Gold: Taken at the Boyle’s Hill Swan Pond.

Pilgrim Creek Fire: This photo shows the Jackson Lake Lodge with the distant fire and smoke, taken from the road to the Jackson Lake Dam.

Pilgrim Creek Road: Closed during the fire.

The Grand and Fall Cabin: Taken on the Inner Park Loop Road. Aspens are still looking good there.

October 2nd, 2020 – Friday

Bull Moose in Gold: I’ve been spending most of my time in the southern portion of the park lately. Some of the river bottoms are still bright, while others are past prime. The choke cherry bushes are red now.

Many of the hillsides are screaming yellow.
The Mormon Row barns and homestead’s cottonwoods and aspens are beginning to change. There are lots of zones with green trees.

Expect “some” haze. The wind can either bring in new smoke or temporarily whisk it away.

October 1st, 2020 – Thursday

Aspen Hillside: One of the many hillsides lit up with bright aspens!

Aspen Stand: This is the stand of aspens behind the Chapel of the Transfiguration.


Black Hawthorn Berries and Colorful Leaves:

September 30th, 2020 – Wednesday

Oxbow Bend Reflections: Lacking clouds, I opted to look for “tight” shots in the Oxbow area.

Oxbow Bend Reflections:

Oxbow Bend Reflections:

Oxbow Bend Pano Reflections:

Colors at the Oxbow Turnout:

Oxbow Bend Reflections:

September 29th, 2020 – Tuesday

Oxbow Aspen Stand: This is the aspen stand in the “upper lot” at Oxbow Bend. It changed considerably in one day!

Chapel of the Transfiguration: Check out the yellow leaves.

Teton Smoke: We’ve bad essentially clear skies for a few days, but it appears there is a fire on the West side of the Tetons. Smoke was flowing in on both sides.

September 28th, 2020 – Monday
Please take a minute and register to sign up to follow this site. I’d love to have another couple hundred new subscribers from the group visiting the site this fall. MJ

Alpenglow and Oxbow Bend:

Oxbow Bend: The Aspens at the corner of “the Bend” are turning. Peak? Some are peak now, some are half way.

Upper Parking Lot: This zone is nearing peak.

Arizona Meadows: This golden field is located near Arizona Creek in the northern portion of the park. It has a lot of nice orange Aspens.

Aspens: This was taken near Spread Creek. Some of them will turn even more orange.
Other Notes: The cottonwoods in the Snake River north of Snake River Overlook are essentially done. South of there, the cottonwoods still have leaves but are not as vivid this year as in some other years.

September 27th, 2020 – Sunday

Teton Sunset: Fresh snow on the peaks should make foliage season extra special this year. I hear Oxbow looked great today.

September 26th, 2020 – Saturday

Colorful Aspens: Taken near the Visitor’s Center at Moose. That area is generally bright now. Some of the Black Hawthorn bushes are turning orange and red, too.

Leaf and Drops: I think this one could have been a little sharper if I had set up the tripod. At 1/100th second, the light wind probably rocked it a bit Even so, the colors are so beautiful!

Leaf Detail:
We had rain overnight along with plenty of wind. The clouds were covering the Teton Range, so I didn’t concentrate on the vista views so popular this time of the year.

September 25th, 2020 – Friday

Aspen Hillside: This hill is always an early indicator of the fall foliage changes. It’s on the north edge of town across from the Teton National Park sign.
The wind is blowing today and there is some haze. The weather forecast suggests we might have some rain tomorrow.

September 24th, 2020 – Thursday

Oxbow Bend Upper Lot: Not prime yet, but the leaves are changing now.

Oxbow Bend Pano: Hopefully, today’s brisk winds didn’t strip the early leaves at the bend.

Teton Range Pano:

The Grand and Aspen Stand:

September 23rd, 2020 – Wednesday

Aspens: Aspens are nearing peak in some areas. Cottonwoods south of Schwabacher look dull at the moment, but are brighter in the Triangle X Ranch and Moran Junction area.
Haze? The haze from the California fires was back this afternoon. It is usually more clear in the mornings. I tried adding a circular Polarizing filter today, but it didn’t affect the distant smoke. It might be time to have it ready, however! Check out this post:

September 22nd, 2020 – Tuesday

Leaves: This was taken along the Gros Ventre Road while waiting for a bull Moose to wake up and get active again.

Bull Moose in Gros Ventre Channel: Other zones of the Gros Ventre River are actually quite yellow, but this section is just turning. …Oh yes. The Moose finally got up!

September 20, 2020 – Sunday

Aspens: This pretty stand of aspens was taken just East of Moran Junction. Lots of color there.

Oxbow Bend: This “record shot” shows the status of the stand of trees at the corner of Oxbow Bend. I’d say it still has a week to go. Aspens on the upper hillside are turning now.
Other Notes:
- The Cottonwoods around the Mormon Row Barns are just showing “hints” of color. They usually change in October.
- The Cottonwoods along the Snake River are changing
- The Willows and Cottonwoods along the Gros Ventre are definitely changing.
- There are lots of stands of Aspens near Triangle X and the Cunningham Cabin with yellow.

September 19, 2020 – Saturday

Spring Gulch Aspens: A lot of zones are starting to “turn on” now. There are similar stands on Snow King Mountain.

Black Bear and Black Hawthorn Bushes: The Hawthorns and Choke Cherry trees are turning along the Moose-Wilson Road. There’s a bumper crop of berries this year.

September 18, 2020 – Friday

Moose Cow and Calf in the Gros Ventre: Actually, I took this photo yesterday, but had so many Mountain Maple photos, it got lost in the shuffle. You can see how the trees are changing along the river bottoms. The Snake his similar. There are many cottonwoods with yellow and green in the same tree. They need another three or four days.
Oxbow Bend: I haven’t been there in a few days, but the lower section of aspen at the “bend” was still very green. History “suggests” October 1st is a good bet, but Oxbow could turn prime before then. The hillsides above Oxbow Bend were definitely changing.

September 17, 2020 – Thursday

Mountain Maples: I drove down the Snake River Canyon and to the Palisades Reservoir Dam this morning. The mountains are “on fire” in many areas. Mountain Maples are ablaze!

Mountain Maples: For now, I’ll just add the photos and will try to add comments later. It’s ON…get there if you can!

I took all of these Mountain Maple photos with my Nikon D6 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens…all handheld.

Some Aspens are turning, but as you can see, many of them are behind the Mountain Maples.

Yes…the skies are hazy, but as you can see in the previous photos, you can still work with the closer trees.

September 15, 2020 – Tuesday – Middle of the Month!

Buffalo Fork River: There is a lot of color around Moran Junction.

Moran Junction: Things are changing from green to yellow, but not prime there.
Oxbow Bend: The lower portions of Oxbow are still green, but the upper hillsides are beginning to change.
Haze is still with us. Right now, don’t expect the big, clear vista views and wide panoramic shots. As you can see in the recent photos, relatively close shots are not greatly affected by the smoke and haze.

September 13, 2020 – Sunday

Jackson Lake Junction Color: These aspens always turn gold and orange early. Very pretty!

Aspens: This stand of aspens is located next to the Christian Creek bridge near the Jackson Lake Lodge.

Grizzlies: Notice the colors behind the photographers along the Buffalo Fork River.
Except for the random patches of color, much of the Oxbow Bend and Willow Flats is still a “3” or maybe “4” on the scale.

Haze: Smoke re=entered the valley today. If you shoot long distances, expect layers of haze. If you can shoot tight, similar to today’s colorful photos above, the haze shouldn’t be as much of an issue.

September 12, 2020 – Saturday

Aspens near Moran Junction. The willows along the Buffalo Fork River at the Moose Junction are also turning.

September 11, 2020 – Friday
- Oxbow Bend: Using the scale above, most of the aspens around Oxbow Bend are only a “2” with maybe a few “3”s.
- Snake River Cottonwoods: They are looking dry….maybe a “3” but not colorful.
- Gros Ventre Willows and Cottonwoods: “5” with a few “7”

September 10, 2020 – Thursday
As in every year, I get emails asking me when I think “prime” will be this year. To be honest, I can never really predict it! As of September 10, I can find some bright yellow trees, but they are scattered all over the place.
Rolling Color: It helps to understand that Prime Foliage “Day” is really not a day, but more of slice of several days. The primary yellow color is supplied by cottonwoods, willows, and aspens. They do not all change at the same time, and they change at different times based on elevation.
Oxbow Bend often hits prime “sometime” between September 25 and October 4th. We’ve had several very cold mornings lately, so that might jump start the season. It was 24ºF yesterday along the Gros Ventre, and it is usually a bit colder farther north.

The willows and cottonwoods along the Gros Ventre are definitely shifting. I saw some similar colors in the river bottom of the Snake River Canyon today.
Watch for early cottonwood colors at the Highway 26/390 junction near Wilson.
Some Aspens are already bright around Triangle X Ranch. Large stands of Aspens are changing along the East Boundary Road.
As the month begins, the sky is mostly clear of smoke, but California Fires can change that at any time. Click the link below for ideas if the smoke returns.

The brightest colors are currently in the Snake River Canyon and along the Palisades Reservoir, but I’d suggest the best is yet to come. Aspens are behind most of the Mountain Maples.

As you can see in this shot, there are ranges of yellow, orange, and red leaves on the Mountain Maples. Mountain Maple leaves seem to stay on the branches longer than the Aspens.

You can find berries and changing leaves on the berry bushes all around the valley.

Spring Gulch Road typically has a few early yellow aspens. I took this shot a few days ago, so I suspect there are more now.

Colorful Choke Cherry Leaves: The Black Hawthorn bushes and the Choke Cherry bushes along the Moose-Wilson Road are changing. A few Black Bears have been seen there, along with a Grizzly. When a Grizzly is sighted along the road, the Park Service closes the road for several days.

Variegated Leaves: Watch for the color! The ground cover is brightly colored in many areas already.

Choke Cherry Leaves: For now, look for color where you can find it. The big stands of colorful Aspens should turn relatively soon!

Remember, this is the Initial Entry for the 2020 Foliage Reports. I will be adding more photos and updates fairly often throughout the foliage season.

I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.
Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole
The post Foliage Reports: September/October 2020 first appeared on Best of the Tetons, Area Info & Photography.