Four Against the Arctic

Four Against the Arctic

Four Against the Arctic is available from Amazon and is quite enlightening. You learn about an ivy league professor’s search for the story of four Russian sailors. These four men survived six years in the Arctic in 1743 after being marooned with only two days’ supplies. That they survived for more than a week was amazing in itself.

These men’s ship was presumably destroyed by ice, stranding them on an inhospitable piece of land deep in the Arctic. Virtually anyone should have died. Yet they not only survived the first winter but went on for six more. After that long, they were actually living rather than surviving. It was quite mind-blowing.

The actual story of the Pomori (Russian) sailors seems to have been somewhat lost to history. The only person who seemed to recover the history was Le Roy, an academic from the mid-18th century. From David Robert’s writing, Le Roy actually captured few details of the actual saga of these lost men.

Robert’s found the original reference in the book In the Land of White Death. The reference is what began his eighteen-month saga to reach Svalbard and search for remnants of the lost sailors’ hut.

This book was, somewhat, like reading an archeologist chasing through history in the Harvard library, trying to piece things together. Roberts made fun of Le Roy’s academic tone constantly. Yet, Robert’s crazy vocabulary and ivory tower writing style wasn’t been much better.

I listened to the book rather than reading it. This, I’m guessing, made slogging through the author’s bombastic vocabulary liveable. My vocabulary is pretty good but I learned quite a few words I have never heard. The nice thing about listening to the book is it was easy to tune out the rambling parts on philosophy and such.

Would I recommend this book? I have mixed feelings. I say yes because it’s such a fascinating experience to see what it takes to find out about a story that has little remaining of it. I’d recommend listening to the book or purchasing it used. It makes me want to go to Svalbard.

I’ve been to the Arctic once in Greenland an enjoyed it. I wonder what other crazy tales are out there?

Purchase the book from here.

Click here for a link to the overview of the story at

The funniest Amazon review is below. It reflected my thoughts exactly.

Thomas G. McCloud

December 20, 2003

The post Four Against the Arctic appeared first on AARON LINSDAU Motivational Speaker.

The post Four Against the Arctic appeared first on AARON LINSDAU Speaker.

Burrowing Owls of Eastern Idaho

Burrowing Owl

Eastern Idaho is home to a variety of Owl species. Of the group, Burrowing Owls are some of the most endearing! Unfortunately, they are not common in the Jackson Hole and Grand Teton area. I’ve heard of sightings on the National Elk Refuge and I’ve searched for them for years but have yet to personally see them here.

Burrowing Owls

A 100 to 130 mile drive to Eastern Idaho “can be” worth the “gamble” in mid-June. Gamble is the operative word, but at least the odds seem to be better there than in our region. The essential elements for their success are in place: abundant food, water sources, and abandoned dens. Foxes, Coyotes, and Badgers dig dens in the soft, sandy soil and hunt for mice, voles, pocket gophers, and ground squirrels among the sage fields and irrigated farm land. The holes these predators dig later provide dens for the opportunistic Owls. Continue reading “Burrowing Owls of Eastern Idaho”

Eastern Idaho Early Iron Organization (E.I.E.I.O) in Jackson Hole

Detail shots of some of the vehicles on display.


You’ve probably heard the saying, “They don’t build ’em like they used to”. No doubt the saying applies to the classic vehicles on display at the Virginian Lodge this weekend. I stopped by this afternoon to take a few tight images and details.

For this post, I am simply going post a few photos. If you want to read more about them, check out this Facebook link: Eastern Idaho Early Iron Organization (E.I.E.I.O) The poster on the page suggests this is year 42 for the event. Continue reading “Eastern Idaho Early Iron Organization (E.I.E.I.O) in Jackson Hole”

June 2018 Daily Journal for GTNP and JH


“Summer Returns to the Tetons!”

June 1, 2018 – Friday

If you are a long time reader at Best of the Tetons, you already know the drill! Check out the May 2018 Daily Journal. The first few days of June will resemble the last week of May.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: Trees and grasses are quite vivid now. Nikon D5 and Tamron  150-600 mm G2 Lens, Handheld

Early June Comments and Reports: Many of the roads inside Grand Teton National Park are open again. Notable road closures include Pilgrim Creek Road and the Dump Road, along with the southern section of Mormon Row Road and the pair of two track roads off the East Boundary Road. Recent rains have made some of the dirt roads muddy and slippery. Road construction on the new roundabout will start causing delays, and the section between the highway and Gros Ventre Campground will be closed for a week or so between 6: pm and roughly 6: am. High water recently washed out the temporary bridge over the Gros Ventre bridge on Spring Gulch road. The new permanent bridge may be completed by later in June. Continue reading “June 2018 Daily Journal for GTNP and JH”