Thankful on Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

What are you thankful for on this Thanksgiving in 2017? Everything seems to be so terrible when the news reports things. When I speak to audiences, I gently remind people that if you look with negative glasses (TV), everything looks dark and gloomy. But if you look with a perspective of abundance and blessing, things actually look pretty darned good!

What are you thankful for?

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Total Eclipse Book Success

I’m excited to have sold over 12,000 copies of my Total Eclipse Guide series for the August 21, 2017, total eclipse!
I never thought a book series I wrote would sell this many copies. It started off as a small book for the Jackson area and it grew into a big series of thirteen titles.
The various state books I wrote are now in all states that are will enjoy the total eclipse.
For example, they are in the Idaho Falls Zoo, Oregon Capital Gift Store in Salem Oregon, the Wyoming Territorial Prison, Wort Hotel in Jackson Wyoming, Prairie Books in Hastings Nebraska, the Bookworm in Carbondale Illinois, the Boonville Visitor Center in Missouri, Carmichael’s Bookstore in Louisville Kentucky, Union Avenue Books in Knoxville Tennessee, Sunrise Books in High Point North Carolina, Barnes and Noble in Charleston, South Carolina, and countless other locations and bookstores.

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Photography talk Driggs, ID, Aug 9, 7pm

Eclipse Photography Talk

Aaron Linsdau will be speaking in Driggs, Idaho, on August 9, 2017, at 7pm about the total eclipse in eastern Idaho. This eclipse will streak all the way across America. My inspiring talk will focus on photography, viewing, and safety.

This won’t be a boring science and photography talk. Instead, I will entertain, educate, and inspire the audience.

Toilet Paper

Why does toilet paper matter to someone watching the total eclipse on August 21, 2017? Attend the talk and you’ll find out. It’s more important than you think.

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