Bighorn Bash Sequence

It’s Bighorn rut time in Jackson Hole!

Bighorn Bash Sequence

A couple of the bigger rams went head to head on numerous occasions today. In a lot of cases, a head bashing sequence is over in a few seconds. To get the shots, it takes being ready—and some luck. I like tripods for these days as it is difficult to keep a heavy lens up and ready for a prolonged period of time. When on a tripod, it’s just a matter of being ready. I processed 22 images from this sequence, but ended up trimming them down some for this page.

The ram on the hill was ready for some action as the ewe and ram waited below. I could probably ramble on and on, but I think the sequence of shots will do the talking for me.

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Bighorn Bash Sequence

Normally, I’d be bummed that a ewe was in the way of the important head contact sequence but the ewe ended up being an important part of the story. Part of the fun and intrigue of wildlife photography is learning to expect the unexpected!

This event happened in only a few seconds! I was using a Nikon D5, shooting at 12 frames per second with the “hammer down”.  The shutter speed was set to 1/800th second and the aperture was set at F/7.1. ISO was set to Auto ISO, and the resulting value was ISO 1600. Most of these photos were taken at a range of 165 yards.  I was using a Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens on a Really Right Stuff tripod and Wimberly full gimbal head.

Additional Head Bashing

Bighorn Rams

I managed to capture quite a few “frontal attacks”, too.

Bighorn Rams

Arial Attack

This smaller ram is already a warrior, but he seldom sets up for a straight-on attack with a larger ram. Instead, he looks for alternative side attacks, and in this case, an arial attack! He jumped from the top of the rock in the upper left.

Given the choice, I’d love to shoot these kinds of shots at 1/1260th second or faster, but I’d then have to live with higher ISO. My D5 handles that well, and it can shoot a large number of images fast, and without filling the buffer.

The annual Bighorn on the National Elk Refuge usually continues through most of December.


Please keep me in mind if you are ever interested in a One-On-One photo tour in Jackson Hole. I am a licensed tour guide in both Grand Teton National Park and the National Elk Refuge.

The photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site!

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours

Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


Where’s the Wildlife? – December

December sunrise on the Teton Mountains

December months generally reinforce the cold that moves in from November, solidifying winter in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Grand Teton National Park, both literally and metaphorically. Many animals are now ending fall migrations, and making last minute preparations for the season.

Bald Eagles

Bald eagles are relatively easy to find this time of year thanks to elk hunts occurring in both nearby national forests, as well as Grand Teton National Park.… Keep reading…

The post Where’s the Wildlife? – December appeared first on Free Roaming Photography.

December 2019 Daily Journal For GTNP & JH


December 31st, 2019 – End of the Month – End of the Decade

Please take a minute and register to follow this site. I’d love to have another couple hundred new subscribers from the group visiting the site this Winter! MJ

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Great Horned Owl

Great Horned Owl: I haven’t seen a lot of owls lately, but found this one yesterday afternoon. Unfortunately, it was deep in the branches. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Bull Moose in Snow

Bull Moose in Snow: Wow! I saw at least two of the large bulsl still sporting their antlers today! I was a good way to end the year, even if he was 80-100 yards out and in a storm. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Watch for a New January 2020 Daily Journal tomorrow! Cheers! Mike Jackson


Snake River Overlook

Snake River Overlook: Taken at the tail end of Alpenglow this morning. This is a stitched pano created from four horizontal captures on a Nikon D850. It was -18°F this morning! Nikon D850 and Nikon 24-70mm Lens, Tripod

Frosted Bison

Frosted Bison: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Frosted Bison

Frosted Bison: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld


Tetons: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld


December 29th, 2019 – Sunday

Red Fox

Red Fox: I ended up going north today and stumbled upon this beautiful untagged, uncollared Red Fox. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Red Fox

Red Fox: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: This ram was coming off the ridge at about the time I got there. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: Something caught these Bighorn’s attention and they both looked up for a couple of seconds, then back to feeding. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld


December 28th, 2019 – Saturday

Elk Refuge

Elk Refuge: I took the National Elk Refuge Sleigh Ride today. The price is $25 this year. There were about a dozen large bulls in one area, but when I was there, they were bedded down. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Bul Elk

Bull Elk: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Sleigh Rides

Sleigh Rides: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Scratching Bull

Bull Scratching: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Draft Horse

Draft Horse: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Draft Horse

Draft Horse: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld

Mallard Duck

Mallard Duck: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld


Mallards: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld


December 27th, 2019 – Friday

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron: I’ve caught random glances of this bird off and on over the past couple of weeks, but this was the first time it was in a good spot along Flat Creek. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Great Blue Heron

Great Blue Heron: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan: Also seen along Flat Creek. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrows Golden Eye: Along Flat Creek. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snowman Alien

Snowman Alien: One of several snowmen north of the Visitor’s Center. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Winter Flowers

Winter “Flowers”: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bighorns: A snow plow spooked these two bulls temporarily off the Elk Refuge Road, giving me a little action. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram Poser: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 26th, 2019 – Thursday

Little Red Barn

Little Red Barn: I was a cold, foggy morning. I did a drive up Spring Gulch Road, where I took this photo of the Box L barn. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallard Duck

Mallard Duck: Captured at 1/2000th second along Flat Creek. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Taken on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: This ram gave me a quick glance as he was moving across the valley floor. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hoar Frost

Hoar Frost: This frost forms on a cold morning following a heavy layer of fog. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 25th, 2019 – Christmas Day

Wort Christmas Lights

Merry Christmas! Seasons Greetings! Feliz Navidad! Happy Hanukkah!

Photos taken December 25, 2019.

Wort Christmas Lights

Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod

Bighorn Lip Curl

Bighorn Lip Curl: Though I am not seeing a lot of head butting, Rams are still busy checking the females. Over the years, I’ve seen chasing and head butting through the end of December. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Three Rams

Three Rams: These three were licking the salt along the Refuge Road. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

A Grand Christmas

A Grand Christmas: This was taken at last light from Spring Gulch Road. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 24th, 2019 – Christmas Eve

Christmas Evre

Downtown Jackson: I took this photo with my iPhone 11 Pro Max. It did a pretty good job initially. I cropped it in Photoshop, then took the image to Camera Raw where I did some additional tweaks. Topaz has a JPG to RAW filter…need to try it out someday.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: We had four or five inches of beautiful, light snow overnight and a little more during the day. I caught this ram on the run this morning. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Lamb

Bighorn Lamb: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ewe

Bighorn Ewe: This one has a collar and an ear tag. She seems to be one of the older ewes. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Aspen Stand: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Seasons Greetings from the Jackson Family!


December 23rd, 2019 – Monday

Teton Range

Teton Range: All I needed was a small break in the clouds! The light stayed flat most of the morning. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Sleeping Swans

Sleeping Swans: Some of Flat Creek has opened back up, giving the Trumpeter Swans a place to feed. These two were still sleeping while I was there early in in the morning. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Running Bighorn

Running Bighorn: Most of the time, Bighorns just graze around. This nice ram decided to run to a new spot. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Young Bighorn

Young Bighorn: I watch for animals going uphill or down hill. Diagonals are always much more dynamic. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 22nd, 2019 – Sunday

Bighorn ERa

Bighorn Ram: When they are down, this is a fairly easy shot to get on the National Elk Refuge. This one was walking down the center of the road at lunch time. They were scattered today. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hay Rolls

Hay Rolls: I stopped at the Walton Ranch for this shot. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hay Rolls

Hay Rolls B&W: Same shot…converted to B&W in Lightroom. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hay Texture

Hay Texture: This is a closer shot of just the hay. I can use it on an artsy piece. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

textured Ram

Textured Ram: I took the Ram photo and the texture image into Photoshop, then put the hay texture on a separate layer, blending it into the underlying layer. From there, I rand a few Topaz filters.

I have numerous tour openings available in December, January, and February

The photo tours help me pay bills and continue to add content to this site. Keep me in mind if you are going to be in the valley! My tours are licensed by the National Park Service and National Elk Refuge.

Best of the Tetons Photo Tours


I offer year round photo tours in Grand Teton National Park. Seasons are changing! Book now! Click the image for additional information.

Client Comments: “As a published and passionate photographer, I recognized Michael Jackson’s extraordinary skills as a photographer. Today I learned more about composition and creative technical ideas than I ever could have imagined.” G.S., Jackson Hole.


December 21st, 2019 – Saturday – Winter Solstice

Sleeping Indian

Sleeping Indian Sunrise: I stopped along the highway for this shot.  I was heading towards Snake River Overlook for the sunrise. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snake River Overlook

Snake River Overlook Pano: You’ll want to click this image to see it much larger! I spent my morning on the shortest day of the year at one of our iconic locations. This is assembled in Lightroom from around 8 vertical captures using my telephoto lens. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Sagebrush: There are usually a “gazillion” opportunities like this in the early morning light. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans:Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan Takeoff: With the sunny day, I bumped the shutter speed to 1/2000sec. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swan

Trumpeter Swan Takeoff: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Have a great weekend! MJ


December 20th, 2019 – Friday

Moose Pond

Winter Moose: This bull was about to exit the pond when I took my first few shots. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Pond Exit

Uncertain Exit: He had to step onto the shelf of ice at the pond’s edge. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: It was a little warmer here today, even though the wind was blowing. Ducks and Swans have moved to open water around the valley. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 19th, 2019 – Thursday

Running Elk

Running Elk: I got up early this morning, hoping to get the sunrise I missed Tuesday, but clouds obscured the mountains. Two bulls were running across the sagebrush long before there was any light. I jumped out and snapped this shot. Moose were visible north of Kelly, but too far out for me today. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat Nanny

Mountain Goat Nanny: I ended up going south for the Mountain Goats in the Snake River Canyon. I hit it right today, after missing them yesterday. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Nanny and Kid

Nanny and Kid: I took over 3000 images this morning, but will only post four or five. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Mountain Goat Nanny

Mountain Goat Nanny:  This Nanny has a little goat fur on her right horn. Someone apparently got a little too close! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 18th, 2019 – Wednesday

Sharp-tailed Grouse

Sharp-tailed Grouse: I’m almost embarrassed to post this photo. It’s not sharp. It’s shot almost straight up and it has a branch across the subject. But…it’s a record shot of a Sharp-tailed Grouse I spotted in the top of a tree along Ditch Creek early this morning. I’ve seen them there in earlier years, and if I can, I’ll try to get a better shot someday soon. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

I had chances to photograph Moose, Elk, Bighorns, and even Mountain Goats today, but kept looking for better opportunities. The moose were down a crowded two track road. The elk were way too far off. I only saw a couple of ewes on the refuge, and the mountain goats were heading uphill when I got there. That’s the way it goes some days. People told me they were “seeing” seven or eight wolves, but they were apparently way off the road.

Stretching Swan

Stretching Trumpeter Swan: I took this photo a few days ago along Flat Creek. It’s frozen solid now…forcing the area waterfowl to other open water. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Ermine: Here’s another shot from a couple of days ago. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Another One that Got Away!: I got up at 6:00 am this morning, thinking I would go out early for the sunrise. I looked at the cloudy skies and opted to work on some photos at the computer. When I looked out the window, the sky was beautifully rose colored and you could see the Tetons. Within a few minutes, the Teton Range light up with a nice, dark sky behind them. With that said, it somewhere between -7°F and -19°F depending on where you were in the valley. When at the mouth of the canyon, it was cold AND it was windy. It’s a lot easier to tolerate some cold IF there are good wildlife subjects or fiery red skies!


December 17th, 2019 – Tuesday

Mid-December Bull

Mid-December Bull Moose: Each day, I hear of another bull Moose losing an antler. The three or four I photographed today still had them, although I suppose a few of what looked like cows might have actually been bulls. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mid-December Bull

Bull Moose: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose and Cow

Bull Moose and Cow: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Elk Herd

Elk Herd: Now that the Elk Hunt in GTNP is over, the Elk seem a little more relaxed. These bulls were still several hundred yards out. I didn’t see them at the time, but there are quite a few Pronghorns in the snow fields behind the Elk. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Wagons: A slightly stylized image of the wagons at the edge of Kelly. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrows Golden Eye

Barrow’s Golden Eye: Following several days and nights of cold weather, much of Flat Creek is frozen over. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Resting Bull Moose - Sheridan

Resting Bull Moose – Sheridan: Late evening shot of a resting bull. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull Moose - No Antlers

Bull Moose – No Antlers: Another “record shot” of a bull that recently lost his antlers. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Wolves: Call this a “record shot” of a couple of black Wolves atop the south end of Blacktail Butte just before last light.Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 16th, 2019 – Monday

Belted Kingfisher

Belted Kingfisher: These birds are elusive as the little Ermines! I got this shot today, but I’d have loved to have been half again closer. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter

River Otter: Another of the “sought after” subjects (Ermine, Great Horned Owls, Foxes, Badgers, etc). Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter and Brook Trout

River Otter and Brook Trout: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Leaf

Frosted Leaf: The relative warm waters of the Snake River create early morning fog on most cold days. The fog freezes on leaves and branches, creating all kinds of photo opportunities. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters: Brook Trout are always colorful, but especially so during their spawning season. Depending on conditions, the spawn can extend in December. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otter and Trout

River Otter and Breakfast: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

River Otters

River Otters on Ice: I heard a few reports of people photographing Moose, along with Mountain Goats in the Snake River Canyon, and probably Bighorns on the National Elk Refuge, but unfortunately, I can’t be “everywhere” on any particular day. Even though the morning temperature was -5°F and my toes were cold, I was happy being with the River Otters. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn Sheep: A shot from a quick run to the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 15 was the last day to legally hike around in the river bottom of the Snake River, north of Moose Visitor’s Center (actually north of Ω Ferry area) to Pacific Creek. This Winter Wildlife closure includes Schwabacher Landing and Blacktail Ponds. I’d have to check, but I believe you can hike into the Cunningham Cabin area. To be honest, I don’t hike there this time of the year because of the deep snow and cold temperatures. The beautiful reflection ponds at Schwabacher Landing are frozen over—changing the dynamics of the zone.750line

December 15th, 2019 – Sunday

Wow! It’s hard to believe it’s already the middle of December—and we are only a couple of weeks away from a new year!

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: I took LOTS of photos today….3500 or so! I picked through them (quickly) and processed over 40 of them. This Ram was on Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Miller House

Fog Rollin’ In: Fog was moving towards the Miller House as I was heading out. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Stalemate

Stalemate!: A group of rams chased this ewe all over the place before she made it into this crevice. She found a safe place to rest, frustrating the rams below. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Guarding the Ewe

Guarding the Ewe: The ram bedded down below the ewe. She stayed on her safe perch for around an hour before making a run for it. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Lamb


Disney/Pixar has a short film called “Boundin’”: In one portion, the domestic ram bounded around a big rock. This morning there were a couple of frisky lambs bounding around at the base of Miller Butte. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Boundin’: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Standoff

Standoff: It looked like these two rams were going to bash heads, but the smaller one backed off. I was ready, however. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle: After leaving the National Elk Refuge, I headed south towards Alpine. I spotted this Bald Eagle along the way. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: I found a herd of Mountain Goats near the road and even on the road. It was nice to get to photograph them against snow again. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: Most of the white furry critters I saw were nannies and kids. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat Kid

Mountain Goat Kid: These are way too cute! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: Most of the goats have long, clean white fur. By late Winter, many will be much more dirty. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat

 Mountain Goat: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hot Ford

Flame On!: This Ford was ablaze as I was driving back home. The driver was safe on the side of the road. Fire trucks were on the way! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld./


December 14th, 2019 – Saturday

Sparring Bull Moose

Sparring Bull Moose: I haven’t seen either of these two bulls all fall or winter! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: These two were taken in the sage flats north Kelly. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: I didn’t get any head butting today, but managed to capture a few of the Rams. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Ermine and his Lunch: This is the first Ermine I’ve seen this year. A couple of other people have mentioned seeing one. These little critters are VERY fast! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Ermine: Keep an eye out for Badgers and Ermine on the National Elk Refuge, but really they can show up about anywhere if you can catch them still long enough for a shot or two. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Ermine: These pint sized killers are fun to watch! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 13th, 2019 – Friday

I did this quick video while at the National Elk Refuge this morning. One of the biggest rams was licking salt off the road before heading up the mountain to check out a couple of ewes.

Slim Jim Moose in Snow

Slim Jim Moose in Snow: I heard another report of one of the large bulls losing their antlers. The five I photographed this morning still had them. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bannock in a Winter Landscape

Bannock in a Winter Landscape: Besides the six moose I photographed this morning, I saw another dozen or so farther out. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Covered Bull Moose

Snow Covered Bull Moose: The bulls are having to snorkel through the layer of snow to get to the bitter brush underneath it. Reports suggest the bulk of the Bison herd is still north. I have only seen a few stragglers. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Antelope Flats Road

Antelope Flats Road: I could probably still drive over the snow on this road, but this 2.5 mile section is closed now. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Approaching Bighorn

Bighorn Ram: This is the same ram I included in the morning video. There were quite a few Bighorns “visible” today, but many of them were high on the ridges or out in the golden meadows. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

New Feature Post! Bighorn Bash Sequence.

When I was at the National Elk Refuge today, I used my Rangefinder to measure the distance from the parking lot to the rock faces….165 yards!


December 12th, 2019 – Thursday


Bighorn Rams: Finally!!!!! A few of our wintering Bighorn Rams are showing some “mass”. I’ve been photographing them with a digital camera since 2006. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Important Road Closure News

Several people reported that the 2.5 mile section of Antelope Flats Road is closed for the winter. That’s like a dagger through the heart of every winter photographer and tour operator. We’ve had quite a bit of snow, and that 2.5 mile section is prone to getting blown in with snow. Still, it now takes 17.2 miles of backtracking to get from the Antelope Flats junction at Highway 89/191 to the Antelope Flats Junction on the East Boundary Road (mailbox corner). Without the closure, it only takes 3.3 miles to get to and from the junctions. This closure cuts off vehicle access to the Mormon Row barns and homesteads.

May Barn

May Barn: This old barn is owned by the Town of Jackson on a large section of land in East Jackson. I usually photograph it a few times a year in the winter after a fresh snow. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Precarious Perch

Precarious Perch: Back to the Bighorns! I took around 4000 images today, almost all of them of the Bighorns on Miller Butte on the National Elk Refuge. There was quite a bit of action, mixed in with a lot of non-action periods. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Crevice Attack

Crevice Attack: I didn’t get my “dream shot” of two rams bashing heads today, but did manage to capture several bashes. These two cracked heads in a narrow crevice. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Quick Retreat

Quick Exit: This young ram was at the bottom of the crevice after the bash. As they moved down, the youngster apparently didn’t want any of either of them and dashed off. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Buds: Even after taking each other one, these two made up at the bottom of the crevice. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

A Lesson for the Youngster

A Lesson for the Youngster: Young rams hang around when a ewe is in heat. They take advantage of the opportunity to breed with a ewe when the ram is preoccupied with another large ram. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

A Lesson for the Youngster

A Lesson for the Youngster: This one got chased off by the much larger ram. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Mating: Should be a few lambs next year! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bash: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bash: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Notes: With the overcast skies, we didn’t have much light to work with today. I shot with my Nikon D5, set to Auto ISO. I shot a lot of the mid-day photos at 1/800th second, then later 1/640th second. It did a pretty job of stopping the action. Most people suggest “stopping down” a little, but with so little light, I opened up wide open to F/6.3. Even so, some of the ISO results went to ISO 2500 to ISO 5000. Thankfully, the D5 does a good job with the high ISO. Without the high ISO, there would no way to get even close to frozen action!


December 11th, 2019 – Wednesday

New Feature Post! Bighorn Bash Sequence.

The Bighorn rut is on in Jackson Hole! This page has a sequence of shots with an unexpected element. Click the link above or the photo below!

Bighorn Rams


Morning Light

Morning in Jackson Hole: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mt. Moran

Mt. Moran and Incoming Clouds: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bannock: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Laramie: These two bulls and Bannock have been hanging around each other lately. Shoshone hasn’t moved out to the sage flats. A photographer told me he saw one bull with a dropped antler on one side. That seems early, but not unheard of. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mountain Goat Billy

Mountain Goat: This billy was near the road when I went down the Snake River Canyon this morning. A truck spooked him up the hillside and out of shooting distance. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Arial Attack

Arial Attack: One of the mid-sized rams jumped from the rock ledge in the upper left corner of this photo to the ready ram below. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

This photo is included on this new Feature Post: Bighorn Bash Sequence


December 10th, 2019 – Tuesday


Bighorns: I heard a couple of the mid-sized rams were bashing heads today. I didn’t witness any of it while I was at the Refuge, though I saw a lot of Bighorns. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Swans in Flight

Swans in Flight: Taken along Flat Creek.Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallards In Flight

Mallards in Flight: Also Taken along Flat Creek. I was checking the Sigma with birds in flight, even though I didn’t have many chances. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Golden Eye

Common Golden Eye: Easy to see why they are called Golden Eyes! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Hunter Barn

Hunter Barn: The moody gray sky attracted me to this shot taken from the East Boundary Road. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bannock: There were around 10 bulls in a fairly small area North of Kelly. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Bannock: The Elk Reduction Program(elk hunt) in GTNP is over for the year! Hunting on the National Elk Refuge is still ongoing. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 9th, 2019 – Monday

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Rame and Ewe: The uneventful weekend winter storm moved out overnight. We had very little snow in the lower areas of GTNP and JH. This pair of Bighorns were seen on  Miller Butte. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Chase

Bighorn Chase: I didn’t see any head butting, but there were quite a few chases similar to the one above. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


Bighorns: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat: I received a tip that a few Mountain Goats were in the Snake River Canyon. By the time I made it there, they had already moved well up the mountain. This is a long distance, cropped image. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Camp Creek Bighorns

Camp Creek Bighorns: My oldest son let me know that a few Bighorns were on the hillsides near Camp Creek Inn as you head towards the Hoback Canyon. I checked it out on my return trip and found a few of them. This is the only ram I saw, but there could have easily been more over this ridge. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 8th, 2019 – Sunday

High Ground Attack: A younger Bighorn had the high ground over a larger ram. Instead of a head-on attack, he rammed him from the side. I originally processed 23 of this sequence, but will only include 8 frames. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

High Ground Attack 1

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

High Ground Attack

I had been using my Nikon D850 for a few days, but today, it looked like I might have chances for action shots. I switched to my Nikon D5 and used the Sigma Sport 60-600mm lens. This sequence was shot at 600mm, 1/640 sec., F/6.3, ISO 800 in Auto ISO. 

Turnabout Fair Play

Turnabout Fair Play: Later, the big ram made a side attack of his own. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Splotchy

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.


December 7th, 2019 – Saturday

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Lots of hunters out this morning under cloudy skies and threat of an approaching winter storm. I saw quite a few Moose, but only a couple of them were close enough to photograph.Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

White-tailed Deer

White-tailed Deer: I spotted a few young White-tailed fawns bounding around in the Kelly hay fields, then photographed them when they moved to the Kelly Warm Springs. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorns: I went back to the National Elk Refuge in the afternoon where I counted 50+ Bighorns. When I went earlier in the day, there were only 25 or so. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: I heard there were a few of the nicer rams bashing heads. I didn’t see or hear any of it. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram Approach: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Rams

Ridgeline Rams: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Ram on Rocks

Bighorn Ram on Rocks: It would be easy to drive by these rocks and never see the ram. There are two Rams about this size. This one has splotchy fur on his shoulders while the other one is smooth. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.750line

December 6th, 2019 – Friday

Jackson Town Square

Jackson Town Square: I went downtown Thursday evening and waited for the Christmas lights. This is a three shot pano, using a tripod, long exposure, and a star filter mounted on the front of my lens. Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod. Click this image to see it much larger!

Cowboy Bar

Cowboy Bar Signs: The star filter creates a different look, but I wouldn’t want to use it all the time! Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod.

Moose Antlers

Moose Antlers: Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod.

Selfie Under the Arch

Selfie Under the Arch: Nikon D850 and Nikon 70-200mm Lens, Tripod.

Tetons and Clouds

Tetons and Clouds: It was mostly cloudy this morning, except for a short period when the Teton Range was visible through the low fog clouds and higher clouds. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Tetons and Clouds

Tetons and Clouds: I saw numerous Moose this morning, but none close enough for a photo. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Downey Woodpecker

Downey Woodpecker: One of my back yard visitors. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Black-capped Chickadee

Black-capped Chickadee: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 5th, 2019 – Thursday

John Pingree

John Pingree: How about a photo from the past! I took this photo, along with many more, near Ft.  . John is a Shoshone elder I met at the Mountain Man Rendezvous at Ft. Bridger.  I arranged a time to visit him at his home near these rocks just outside Ft. Washakie, WY. One of the photos from the shoot ended up as a full page image in Cowboys and Indians Magazine later in the year. The Shoshone Tribe wants to use that photo on a billboard. I was digging through the folder of images this morning and thought it might be nice to pull out one of the photos for today’s entry.

Mt. Moran

First Light on Mt. Moran: Taken from the Teton Science School Road. There were Moose around today, but I opted to take mostly landscape shots with the low fog, hoar frost, and early morning light. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Low Cloud Bank

Low Cloud Bank: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Barn

John Moulton Barn: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

TA Moulton Barn

TA Moulton Barn: The Grand looked pretty good this morning, but I liked how the low fog was settling in over the valley floor. Areas that had been socked in with fog had a layer of hoar frost. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Frosted Raven

Frosted Raven: A few cutout ravens have been showing up on some of the private fences along Antelope Flats Road. The rim of hoar frost caught my attention today. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Lifting Fog

Lifting Fog: Taken from Antelope Flats Road. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Tetons: I took this photo from the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrows Golden Eye

Barrows Golden Eye: This colorful shot was taken along Flat Creek. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mallard Duck

Mallard Duck: Also along Flat Creek. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 4th, 2019 – Wednesday

Notes and Tidbits

  • The Elk Hunt is still underway in GTNP
  • Schwabacher Landing road is closed. Foot access ends December 15
  • Antelope Flats Road is open
  • Only 4 miles of the National Elk Refuge Road is open to tourists.
  • Dornan’s Store and Restaurant will reopen Dec. 6
  • Creekside Market & Deli is open again (good sandwiches)
  • No businesses inside GTNP are open (Kelly Store is open off and on)
  • Road to Chapel of the Transfiguration is closed
  • Road construction along the Gros Ventre Road is completed
  • Cell phone service in GTNP is spotty for some reason

Lip Curl

Lip Curl: One of the Moose seen north of Kelly this morning. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

River Otter

River Otter and Brook Trout: I’ve always found it amazing that a furry mammal could out swim a fish! Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

River Otter

Curious River Otter: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans…and a Hooded Merganser: Seen along Flat Creek. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Late Evening Bigorn

Late Evening Bigorn: Captured late in the day on the National Elk Refuge. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

 Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: I didn’t see any head butting today, but there was a bit of chasing. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

 Bigorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 3rd, 2019 – Tuesday

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The Grand

The Grand: Taken from the Gros Ventre Road. Sometimes, black and white is much more powerful than the color version. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Reflected Trees

Reflected Trees: I took this photo along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Moose were all over the place today, but way too far out for photos.

River Otters

River Otters: There were four Otters, but I didn’t get a good shot of all of them together. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

River Otter

River Otter: These animals are great to photograph any time of the year, but look especially good with a snowy backdrop. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

River Otters

River Otters: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bighorn Lamb

Bighorn Lamb: There were over 20 bighorns visible at the National Elk Refuge this afternoon including this inquisitive little lamb. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Lamb

Little Lamb: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: I photographed a similar sized Ram yesterday, but I don’t think it had the splotches on his shoulders. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


December 2nd, 2019 – Monday

December Snow and Moose

December Snow and Moose: Another nice morning with a herd of bull Moose! The elk hunters were in another region and the Moose seemed more relaxed this morning. While I was out, I didn’t hear any rifle shots. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

December Snow and Moose

December Snow and Moose: Someone told me they had counted over 20 Moose in the area north of Kelly. I probably saw 15. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

December Snow and Moose

Moose on the Move: Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow Mounds

Snow Mounds: I took this photo along the Moose-Wilson Road. Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Trumpeter Swans

Trumpeter Swans: This pair moved downstream on Flat Creek. I was hoping they were ready to take off into the light wind, but the began feeding. I was ready! Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Snow is in the forecast for the rest of the day.

Returning Bighorns

Returning Bighorns: I did a quick run to the National Elk Refuge and spotted this group of eight leaving Crystal Butte and approaching the road at the base of Miller Butte. The light wasn’t great, but I wanted to document their return. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Returning Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: If this ram hadn’t “broomed” the tips of his horns, they might have been close to a full curl. The growth rings indicate he is around 10 ti 11 years old. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Welcome to December!

Wow! What a difference a foot of snow makes! Normally, I suggest that the first few days of any month will resemble the last week or so of the previous month, however, the new snow changed everything! You can still reference the November 2019 Daily Journal for GTNP and JH by clicking the link.

A lot of people seem to undersell Winter, but if you realize that all of the photos on this initial entry for December were ALL TAKEN TODAY, you should get a feel of how Winter can be a treasure trove of photographic opportunities! Yes, it can be cold. And yes, days are short. However, those same conditions help a winter photographer. Light reflects off the snow and into shadows—plus the sun is low on the horizon. These characteristics allow most people to take photos all day long.


GTNP Sign: December 1st was a cold morning, it warmed up some by afternoon. We normally get beautiful morning light and low clouds. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

John Moulton Barn

John Moulton Barn: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Mormon Row

Mormon Row: The high mountains received even more snow! Low clouds are often seen near the Teton Range in the Winter. Antelope Flats Road will be open during the Elk Hunt, but 2.5 miles of it is traditionally closes for the winter around December 15th. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Moose are fairly easy to find in December, while Elk are scarce during the annual hunt inside Grand Teton National Park. If you are in GTNP during the first two weeks of December, you might consider wearing hunter orange when away from your vehicle in some areas around Kelly and Antelope Flats Road. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Bull Moose

Bull Moose: Bulls often assemble in groups of three to ten as they feed in the sage flats. Some Moose bulls will begin shedding their antlers around the middle of the month, while a few might keep them well into the new year. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Sleeping Swan

Sleeping Swan: On cold mornings, Trumpeter Swans curl up on the ice until the area warms up. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bottoms Up!

Bottoms Up!: A large number of Trumpeter Swans winter in Jackson Hole. These two were feeding in some open water along Flat Creek. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Right Side Up!

Right Side Up!: Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Merganser

Common Merganser: These ducks are usually difficult to photograph! The males often stay to the far side of any stream and are quick to take flight. This one I for me today! Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Merganser

Common Merganser: We’ve had a few Hooded Mergansers in the area, but I haven’t seen them in a few days. This male Common Merganser is still a nice looking bird. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Common Golden Eye

Common Golden Eye: The light hit this duck’s head just right, turning it dark teal. At other angles, their head can look black or dark blue. Common Golden Eyes have a small thumb print sized patch of white behind its beak. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Barrow's Golden Eye

Barrow’s Golden Eye: The Barrow’s Golden Eyes have a crescent shaped patch of white on its head. These seem to be more common in JH than the “Common” variety. Numerous other species of ducks can be seen here in December. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Wagon: A lot of photographers come to JH to capture photos of the wildlife and classic landscape shots. If you keep your eyes open, you can find additional subjects around the valley. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.


Icicles: Winter can offer up little gems not seen in other seasons. Watch for icicles, hoar frost, and beautiful patterns in puddles or small ponds.  Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Historic Miller House

Historic Miller House: Some subjects like the old Miller House on the National Elk Refuge simply look better in Winter. Better yet, this scene changes regularly throughout the season. Some days have low clouds and fog, sometimes with bands of light. The Grand can often be seen reaching for the sky above the distant hills. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: December is the month for the Bighorn Rut on the National Elk Refuge. With the warm, dry November, they are late to show up this year, but with each passing day, there are few more. Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Rams

Bighorn Rams: The Bighorns distinctive head bash echos across the valley. Be ready with a fast shutter speed to freeze the action! Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram

Bighorn Ram: Although we have had a few respectable sized Rams over the past few years, I haven’t seen a huge one yet this year.  Nikon D850 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram and Ewe

Bighorn Ram and Ewe: Even though there aren’t a lot of Bighorns on Miller Butte yet, some are showing classic rut behavior.  Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram Lip Curl

Bighorn Ram Lip Curl:  Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Bighorn Ram Chase

Bighorn Ram Chase: Much a Bighorn’s day is spent feeding or sleeping, but action can break out at about any time. Be ready!  Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Handheld.

Antler Arch

Antler Arch: December is the most festive time of the year in Jackson Hole, especially around the Town Square. The four elk antler arches and large spruce trees are decorated with amber colored lights this year.  Nikon D5 and Sigma Sport 60-600mm Lens, Tripod.

Antler Arch Bokeh

Antler Arch Bokeh: Remember to experiment…and HAVE FUN!