I want to make one more blog entry to let you know about all of the current services available on this site. After this posting, I promise, we will stick to nature and photography subjects.
The site is dedicated to seeing the natural beauty of our environment close-up. Many know about our national parks and public lands and many have visited these American treasures but few are able to spend long periods or frequent visits to understand the parks and their flora and fauna. Visits may be cut short by weather and the seasonal variation is great so to truly understand the parks, you must see them under many seasonal and meteorologic conditions – hence, Natural Photography.
What can you find on this site? First anyone with internet access can view the site but to really experience all of the features it is best to Register as a user. Registration is not onerous, it is free, and it requires only that you Log-in and submit your name and email address so we, via the site, can contact you with updates, newsletters, and new photographs and galleries. Once you are registered you can view the public portions of the site as you do now or you can log-in to have greater access for comments and private features – the choice is yours.
The site has two large groups of photographs and there is some redundancy between the groups. The Portfolio contains a general overview of the types of images you can find here and is shown on the opening slide show on the home page. The Portfolio tab at the top of each page lets you see more examples of some of the most popular photos under the general categories of animals, birds, plants, and landscapes. The next tab at the top of each page, My Photographs, takes you to much larger collections of photo galleries. Currently, the largest collection is images from National Parks and public lands. In this collection you will find many galleries with overview images from each of the parks. Within each gallery are about 10-30 images from that park. Future collections under the My Photographs tab will include flora, fauna, natural environment and our fabricated environment. Again, each collection will contain several galleries within the general topic. There is a space for you to leave public or private comments on every gallery or individual image.
The next tab at the top of the page is Guestbook. Here you can leave messages, general comments, critique, or suggestions on either a public or private location. We value all of your thoughts and comments and will always be able to improve with your thoughtful suggestions so please enter the Guestbook.
Next is the Blog and you must have already found this area. Here, I will try to leave commentary, discussion, and my thoughts about nature photography and photographic equipment and techniques. I hope to update the blog at least weekly and I invite you to leave your comments and thoughts about each of the entries.
The next two tabs are pretty self-explanatory. The About tab gives a brief summary of the history of Natural Photography and the Contact tab allows you to send a private email directly to me. Finally, the Search tab is a powerful search engine that allows you to find specific photos or text within the Natural Photography site. All of the photos have key words embedded to help you find exactly what you want by location, state, type of image, season, and animal.
Almost all of the pages, comments, collections, galleries and individual photographs have built-in sharing features so you can email photos or links to friends, subscribe to all or individual updates via RSS reader feeds (both traditional RSS and Atom) and post links on Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus. It is very helpful to me to have you share the site with your friends and family.
The final feature of the site is your ability to purchase any of the images for your own use. There is a Buy pop-up on every image that allows you to obtain an immediate digital down-load of any image, a print on several styles of photographic paper from 5×7 to 24×36 inches that can be matted and framed in a large selection of custom frames, or novelty items and memorabilia. You also can order mounted canvas prints and stand-outs, or foam-backed prints that are ready for display. The prints are created in a high-quality, professional lab and sent in secure packaging directly to your address. Payment is by secure credit card or PayPal and your privacy is protected by secure, third-party servers and credit card information is not seen by me and no information about you can be shared. Your support of these products allows Natural Photography to continue to capture and make these images available to you for your personal viewing and sharing with friends and family.
Thank you for checking out the site and this blog. I hope you will find it interesting and will bookmark the site in your Favorites so you can return often.