

We envision a group providing a resource for members to improve their photographic skills while promoting interest in photography throughout the community.


The Group provides members with opportunities to develop and share their
photographic skills and promotes interest in photography throughout the greater Teton


The Teton Photography Group (TPG) was founded in March 2013 for the purpose of sharing the joy of photography with others in the greater Teton area through education, networking, and promoting discussion that improves the art of photography.  The TPG promotes quality photography through partnerships between the Group and resources throughout Teton County, Western Wyoming, and Eastern Idaho.

The TPG is a not-for-profit corporation serving its members and the public.  Intellectual property and copyright for all photographs and materials used by the TPG remain the property of the individual photographer.  The TPG will not show commercial bias toward any photographer or compete directly with other local individuals or organizations.  The TPG promotes the respectful, ethical, and responsible use of our natural resources to insure our pristine environment will be unspoiled for future generations.

The TPG is an autonomous partner with the Art Association of Jackson Hole (AAJH) which is its physical home.

Become a Member

If you are interested in joining the Teton Photography Group to have access to this page and other benefits, there is no cost but you must complete the Application Form at

If you are approved for membership, you will automatically be added to the roster. 

For more information email:  membership@TetonPhotographyGroup.org